Origami Bird!
Hello Guys. I’ll be showing you how to make a Origami Bird. It’s simple, easy, and fun. Let’s get Started!!
You only need origami paper!
Fold the paper in half diagonally.
Fold Again!!
Then fold the triangle so that you made a skinnier triangle on one side.
More Folding!!
Fold the skinny triangle and fat triangle again, in half.
Even More Folding
Fold the square on the triangle up.
Guess What... More Folding
Then fold the bottom part up
No Way, More Folding!!
Fold half of the paper that you just folded up down.
Now you will fold the tail and beak. Then you make a mountain fold at other end (the birds butt) up. You will part of the top in a valley fold inward.
THE END (No More Folding)
Great Job!! You have finished making an origami bird. I bet yours is great. Enjoy!