Origami Cube Rose
well this is one of my favorites origamis, because its a "2 in 1 origami" it can be a cube or a rose, and is a very simple origami ( if you want a more realistc rose try https://www.instructables.com/id/Origami-Rose-3/ ).
Paper: this origami don't need any special paper, any kind of paper can be used ( I THINK ), even computer paper will have a good result, but prefer to use colored paper, you need 6 papers of the same size, 3 for the leaves , 3 for the rose
For this origami I'm using 3 red papers and 3 green papers
For this origami I'm using 3 red papers and 3 green papers
Lets Do the Basic Shape
Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words
Lets Do the Rose
Do It with only 3 papers
Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words
Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words
Do it with the other 3 papers
Let's Put It All Together
Follow the pics
Let's Put It All Together 2
Congrats Now You Have a Cube
an incredible feature of the CUBE-ROSE origami is that it turns into a cube, becoming much easier to keep
ok, a cube is cool but lets open the rose
ok, a cube is cool but lets open the rose
Congratulations Now You Have a Cube-rose
Well congratulations, bye , please rate
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liked this rose? like challenges? try this rose