Origami Flower
In this instructable, we will learn how to make an origami flower
You will need two colors of paper one for the flower and one for the leaves. you will also need a ruler and scissors. You will also need some tape.
Step 1: Cutting the Paper
You will need to cut your paper into 3 1/4 inch square
Step 2:
Fold the paper in half horizontally then unfold,
then fold the paper in half vertically and unfold again
Step 3:
Fold each corner into the middle
Step 4:
Fold each corner into the middle crease again
Step 5:
Fold each corner into the middle crease again. You are working with a really small paper, these folds they might be difficult to make. If you need to press down over the folds with your fingernail to create the creases.
Step 6:
Carefully start to fold back the first layer of the paper to form the petals on the rose. A soft crease will make it look more realistic
Step 7:
Fold out the second layer to make more petals.
Step 8:
Fold back the last layer to create the last of the petals.
Step 9: Start the Leaves
Cut the green paper for the leaves into 3 1/4 inch squares.
Step 10:
Fold one half of the square to make it look like like the picture.
Step 11:
Fold the other side of the square in to make it look like a kite.
Step 12:
Fold the widest point on one side to the middle
Step 13:
Fold the other side of the widest point into the middle to make a diamond shape.
Step 14:
Fold the diamond shape in half
Step 15:
Take half of the triangle and make a squash fold on the right side by lifting up the paper and when it is the right shape shown above press down to create the squash fold.
Step 16:
Repeat step 15 to the other side.
Step 17:
Flip over the final product of the leaves
Step 18: Finished!
glue the flower onto the leaves.