Origami Yoda
Make your own origami Yoda! Based on the instructions given at the end of "The Strange Case of Origami Yoda" by
Tom Angleberger.
Gather Tools
You'll need:
- Printer Paper
- Scissors
- Pencil or Pen
- Ruler or Tape Measure
Fold Paper Into Six Sections
Fold Paper in half (hamburger style), then into three. You should have six equally sized segments.
Cut the Six Segments Apart
Pick One of the Six Segments to Use
You only need one segment to make your origami yoda, but if you mess up you've got extras.
From the Top of the Paper, Mark 2 Cm In
You'll use this mark for the next fold.
Fold Top of Paper Down, So That the Folded Portion Is 2 Cm
Fold Down a Right Triangle on Each Corner
Bend the Triangle Back and Forth to Loosen Them Up
Tricky Part: Invert Each Triangle So That They're on the Inside of the 2 Cm Fold
Turn Paper Over
Use Ruler and Pencil to Mark 1 Inch From Bottom
Fold Back Along the 1 Inch Line
Tricky Part: Make a Little Zig-zag
Last Tricky Part: Fold the Zig Zagged Part Back
(Included in video for last step)
Fold Paper Up, Leaving Just a Bit of Space Below the Pyramid Stuff
Flip Over
Fold the Corners Together So They Meet
You should have a sort of triangle now.
Fold Open the Ears
Flatten the Head
Flip Over
Crunkle the Ears
Draw the Face
Enjoy origami Yoda