PC Box From Recycle Bin
So, what if you work remotely at home during the pandemic, outside global warming, and your laptop is hot and slow and its portability not need?
I have the answer is: you need to build a pc and place it in a box with wood from recycle bin.
But, before, a little story.
Short Story
I like to make everything with less amount of garbage or be good if I can find another use for the usual stuff.
When I build my first PC I place it in the box from roller skates. CPU and video adapter was cold there.
But, At some time I needed a box, which I can move.
Сardboard box is not so strong for this and I make PC box from fiberboard. This box has rotating wheels and when you need it you can move it.
But, this box was too big. And when I change all HDD to the solid one I start thinking about minimization.
Simple plan:
1. Hunt some wood
2. Build the PC
3. Build the Box
4. Mount the PC in Box
5. ????
To hunt wood I chose the closes scrapyard. I find there one old kitchen dresser. It has a back wall made of plywood. PC I have. It is not so difficult to build a PC. Also, It's not so difficult to build a box from plywood. From a new one.
But from old - another story.
Iteration One
I make a sketch drawing. Draw a parallelepiped is simple. As you see, when plywood was in one peace it was pretty straight. But, when you cut it to details it became twisted.
I think it will self-level after the mount (glued) altogether. But is not. And I have to figure out with this.
Itrration Two
So I need to make every I can rib of strength.
I take a lot of wooden rails and glue where I can. I need to place the power supply inside the box, so I need to make these rails thin in some places.
With rais make box was much easier.
The work is done.
The new PC box is much prettier than the previous one, much smaller (28*45*17 vs 35*45*20).
Also, this is the way to decrease garbage impact on the earth.