You must be wondering what is a polystyrene its nothing but a thermocol sheet (look like second picture).
I will show how to make a thermocol cutter which is very cheap and the thermocol can be cut very easily and it also gives a good finishing.
You will need only few things
1. An old cutter.
2. A candle.
3. Lighter.
4.And of course a polystyrene or thermocol sheet.
Let's make the polystyrene or thermocol cutter......
Light up the candle and heat the cutter for about 10 to 20 sec don't heat it for to long as it may get overheated and can melt the thermocol cutter.
Don't let the cutter cool and cut the thermocol sheet you will see that it will cut very nicely.
It is just work like hot wire cutter.
A sample cutting is show in picture.
It can also be used to cut foam.
Now your polystyrene cutter is ready, but it is temporary you have to heat it again and again for cutting.
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