Ceramic Pumpkin Pots are fun to make around Halloween to use for anything from a candy dish to a hidden surprise.
The Pumpkin pot in my InStRuCtAbLe is ceramic, however, if you don't have access to a kiln the directions can be adapted for air dry clay.
Clay, slip, underglaze, glaze, kiln
Making the Pot
Break off a chunk of clay the size of a grapefruit.
Using the pinch pot technique of hand building form the pot.
Another piece of clay the size of a large lemon needs to be rolled in a ball and then pressed out to the size of the perimeter of the pot. Use the palm of your hand and try to keep the same thickness of clay all around. Once the size is correct lay the lid next to the pot, not on top, otherwise it will cave in!.
Making the Pumpkin Stem
roll a piece of clay to form the stem, I put score marks in mine and then twisted the clay.
cut a straight bottom to attach to lid.
Score the clay and cover with slip before placing on center of lid.
Painting and Decorating
As I said my PUMPKIN POT is ceramic so I painted inside and outside of my pot and lid with underglaze and then glazed and fired my pieces. If using air dry clay just paint with acrylic or any type of paint you prefer and spray with a fixative.