Jiexi Plane
This is the world record paper airplane
A piece of paper
A pair of hands
A pair of hands
Fold It in Half
Fold the paper in half length width or in hotdog style
Fold a Triangle
Choose one side and fold it like a triangle
Do the Same With the Other Side
Do the triangle fold on the other side
Align the Edge
Fold one side the the crease you made with the triangle
Fold It Down
Fold it down, while you are doing it you will see half a x, align it with the side
Do the Corner Fold
Once you align it you can do the corner fold easily
Fold the Down Bit Up
Fold It in Half
When you fold it in half, you should see the lock outside
Fold Down the Wing Do the Same With the Other Side
The end of the wing must be aligned with the end of the body
How to Fly It
To fly it make sure that the wings are very close together and bend the end of the wing bait up