Paper Boat
For this project, you will be making a paper boat.
- 1 sheet of A4 paper
Fold in Half
Take this sheet of paper and fold it in half
Fold it in half again BUT!!! unfold it after.
Making the Shape
After, fold the top left corner down to the previous fold line.
Fold Again
Fold the bottom part up.
Swivel the paper around, and then fold the paper as shown in the photo.
Flip the paper side again.
Fold the remaining rectangle up to even it out with the other side.
This step requires you to flip the project onto a side in which, it will not stand up on its own. Once you've done that, take the bottom side. There should be 2 sides in which you can pull, and the project will collapse into something that should look like the image. If the bottom 2 flaps collide with each other, smooth it out by layering one tab below the other.
You need to fold the bottom part up to match the tip.
Flip and Fold
Flip it around and then do the exact same fold, but on the other side.
It will turn into a triangle shape. By taking the open side and bringing the tips to each other, it will turn into this shape.
Once you have the previous shape, take the 2 tips at the top and pull them open. (BE CAREFUL WHEN DOING THIS STEP, IT CAN EASILY FOLD THE WRONG WAY)
Congratulations, you now have a paper boat.