Paper Cutting Wall Hanger
Hello Friends, Today am going to show you how to make wall hanger with paper cutting method.
This is very easy to do, Just cut Zig Zag with your scissors. using this you can decorate the party hall.
Lets jump on to it.
Required Items
We need only 3 items to do this.
1, Colour Paper
2, Scissors
3, Pen or pencil
Folding Part
1, I have taken the A4 sheet so i need to make it as square. image 1 to5 will show how to make a square.
2, Follow the images to fold the paper in to half.( 4 times we are going to fold it half ).
Draw the Pattern for Cutting
1, Once the final fold is done, draw your stunning patterns of your creativity.
2, I have drawn a simple pattern to show you the simple way to do this hanger.
Note - if you look in 2nd image if i have start the line from one end it wont reach the other side and vice versa. this logic will give you a spring like pattern.
3, After drawing the pattern lines start cut through the lines for perfect finish.
4, After cutting through the lines your Piece of paper would look like image 4.
Open the Folds
1, Now the time to open the folds, open the folds step by step, be gentle and don't hurry and tare the paper.
2, Once all folds are open it will loom like image 3.
How to Hang This?
1, Place the Paper in table and keep a nut for weight at the center. see image 1.
2, We need four corner points to hold this up see image 2, 3, 4, 5.
3, That's it we are done.
Show Time........
You can hang this up side down or either way, it will look beautiful.
I have took some pictures of my hanger in various positions.
as you see its looking so beautiful.
Try this in your home, its simple cutting skills.
See you later, Bye friends.