Paper Diamond Ball
6 pieces of square paper
paper shredding
The Paper
Take a piece of square paper and fold it in half diagonally. Fold it in half diagonally 2 more times. Unfold everything. Fold it in half regular.
Paper Continued
Push your finger into the side to make a triangle. Repeat on the other side. Repeat all the steps on the other pieces of paper.
Take one of the pyramid shaped paper and hold it upside down. Slip another triangle into one of its pockets. Then slip a third triangle onto the opposite pocket.This is a hard step. Take another triangle and cover one of the showing pockets on the bottom pyramid and tuck the 2 side flaps into the triangles in the bottom flap. do that on the other side.
Finish Ball Base
Put another triangle covering 2 flaps and slipping into the other ones.
Ball Stuffing
Fill one of the corners with paper shreddings and cover it with tape. Do that to all the other corners.