Pen-refill Shooter
Make a pen-like device that shoots pen refills out of only 2 pens. I can't find mine, so no pictures yet.
You will need:
A Staples Comfort Stic Pen
Any pen that has a click-button on top (This means it contains a spring)
A Staples Comfort Stic Pen
Any pen that has a click-button on top (This means it contains a spring)
Take Apart the Pens
Take apart both pens. Get rid of the Comfort Stic cap and the small cap on the back of the base (white part). Then get rid of every part of the clicky pen except for the spring, but don't throw them out.
Constuct the Launcher
Put the spring into the back of the comfort part of the comfort stic. It has to fit so it doesn't fall out, but does't go already in. If the spring isn't the right size, try a different clicky pen.
Finish the Pen
Put the comfort stic back together, so it looks like it did before exept with no back cap and no refill. Put the back of the refill into the back of the pen. Let it fall thoguh the spring and out the back of the pen. Pull back and release the back of the refill. It should fly out of the pen. Have fun!