Photopea Project
This tutorial will show you how to recreate a soccer poster that is inspired by the premier league by using adjustment layers and layer masks.
Step 1: Insert Image and Position It
Save the images Open Document and select Place Embedded under File. Select each picture at a time and position it .
Step 2 Background Image
Select image for your background and insert it. The background should be the first layer so that the other images are easily seen. Also Arrange the layers by going to the layers tab and putting the background behind the image you are using
Step 3: Hue & Saturation of Background
While having the background layer selected, select "Add adjustment layer" at the bottom of the layer tab then select Hue/Saturation. These adjustments are to highlight certain areas of the background and to make it more similar to the original
Step 4: Auto-Contrast and Auto Color
While we still are on the layer, go to the Image tab at the top left . Select Auto Contrast and auto color to make the color more prominent.
Step 5: Brightness/Contrast on Lights
Insert the picture and select Counterclockwise" then adjust the picture so that it covers the entire everything . While on the lights layer, select the Adjustment tab and add a Brightness/Contrast mask. Make sure that the Brightness is at 35 while the Contrast is at 0. This is so that the lights have less contrast with the background and are darker.
Step 6: Opacity on Images
While still on the Lights layer, change the opacity to 90% so that the background can not be seen and to have the lights blend more with the background.