Physiotherapy Helper (Arduino Adxl345 Matrix)

by murphypoon in Circuits > Arduino

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Physiotherapy Helper (Arduino Adxl345 Matrix)

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Physiotherapy Helper

This tools is really help me for Physiotherapy. Specially, moving range and position, So, i can follow doctor instruction to do exercise and step by step to increase and decrease the action.


Caution :

  • It is not approved or referenced by any Physiotherapy Doctor.
  • It is just for my Physiotherapy only.
  • Please consult your doctor for any necessary help.


Parts :

1. (1) Old watch band

2. (1) ADXL345 Accelerometer

3. (1) Arduino

4. (1) Matrix 8x8 with MAX7219

5. (1) Button with 10K resister

For information on installing libraries, see:

Detail Please refer :

Connect Together

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Connect -ADXL345 and Arduino

--- I2C :

  • SDA : A4 (Digispark D0)
  • SCL : A5 (Digispark D2)
  • SDO : GND
  • CS : V++

Connect Matrix 8x8 and Arduino :

  • CLK : PIN 11
  • CS : PIN 10
  • DIN : PIN 12

Connect Button and Arduino :

  • Button 1 : PIN 2
  • Button 2 : 10K to GND
  • Button 3 : V++

Put ADXL345 into Old Watch Band

Function and Programming

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  • Press Control Button 3 seconds to change Mode
    Mode 0 : Show X Only
    Mode 1 : Show Y Only
    Mode 2 : Show X and Y on Matrix by Red Point
<p>/*<br> * iMediaBank 201605
 * ONLY for ADXL345 XYZ Sensor
 * Connect -ADXL345 and Arduino
 * I2C : 
SDA : A4  (Digispark D0)
SCL : A5  (Digispark D2)
CS : V++
 * Connect Matrix 8x8 and Arduino :
 * CLK : PIN 11
 * CS : PIN 10
 * DIN : PIN 12
 */</p><p>#include <wire.h>
#include "LedControl.h"
#define DEVICE (0x53)      //ADXL345 device address
#define TO_READ (6)        //num of bytes we are going to read each time (two bytes for each axis)
byte buff[TO_READ] ;        //6 bytes buffer for saving data read from the device
char str[512];              //string buffer to transform data before sending it to the serial port
int regAddress = 0x32;      //first axis-acceleration-data register on the ADXL345
int x, y, z;                        //three axis acceleration data
double roll = 0.00, pitch = 0.00;       //Roll & Pitch are the angles which rotate by the axis X and y 
//in the sequence of R(x-y-z),more info visit
//></p><p>// --------------------------- Matrix
int matrix = 1;
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,matrix);
/* we always wait a bit between updates of the display */
unsigned long delaytime=100;</p><p>// ----------------------------- Control Button
int ctrlBtn = 2; // Control Button
int dispMode = 2; // Display Mode (x, y, z, xyz and freePoint)</p><p>// -------------------------------- Reset Matrix
void resetMatrix() {
 for (int k=0;k<matrix; k++)="" {=""  =""  lc.shutdown(k,false);="" *="" set="" the="" brightness="" to="" a="" medium="" values="" lc.setintensity(k,8);="" and="" clear="" display=""  lc.cleardisplay(k);=""  } ="" }="" ------------------------------="" reset="" matrix="" end<="" p=""></matrix;></p><p>// ------------------------------- Setup 
void setup() {
  Wire.begin();         // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
  Serial.begin(115200);  // start serial for output
  //Turning on the ADXL345
  writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 0);      
  writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 16);
  writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 8);</p><p>  resetMatrix();</p><p>}</p><p>const int XYZSize = 3;
byte XYZ[XYZSize][8]={
    {B00100100,  B00011000,  B00100100,  B00000000,  B11111111,  B00000000,  B11111111,  B00000000},  // X
    {B01010000,  B01010000,  B01010100,  B01010011,  B01010100,  B01010000,  B01010000,  B01010000},  // Y
    //{B01001000,  B01011000,  B01101000,  B00000000,  B00000000,  B00111111,  B00111111,  B00000000},  // Z
    //{B10011111,  B01011111,  B00000000,  B10000111,  B10000111,  B00000000,  B10001111,  B11001111},  //XYZ
    {B00000000,  B01000000,  B00000000,  B00011100,  B00011000,  B00010100,  B00000010,  B00000001}}; // Free Point</p><p>// -------------------------- writeMatrix    
void writeMatrix() { 
for (int j=0; j<xyzsize;j++) {=""  ="" for="" (int="" i="0;" i<8;="" i++)="" lc.setrow(0,i,xyz[j][7-i]);="" lc.setcolumn(0,i,xyz[j][7-i]);="" delay(delaytime);="" }="" }<="" p=""></xyzsize;j++)></p><p>} // ---------------------------- writeMatrix END</p><p>// -------------------------- Display Matrix    
void displayMatrix(int matrixIndex) { 
  for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
} // ---------------------------- display Matrix END</p><p>// -------------------------- Signle
int oldx = 0, oldy = 0;
void single(int x, int y) {
  if ((oldx != x) || (oldy != y)) 
    lc.setLed(0, oldx, oldy,false);
  lc.setLed(0,x,y,true);</p><p>  oldx = x;
  oldy = y;
} //-------------------------------- Single END</p><p>// ----------------------------------------- LOOP
void loop() {</p><p> if (digitalRead(ctrlBtn) == false) {
  readFrom(DEVICE, regAddress, TO_READ, buff); //read the acceleration data from the ADXL345
                                              //each axis reading comes in 10 bit resolution, ie 2 bytes.  Least Significat Byte first!!
                                              //thus we are converting both bytes in to one int
  x = (((int)buff[1]) << 8) | buff[0];   
  y = (((int)buff[3])<< 8) | buff[2];
  z = (((int)buff[5]) << 8) | buff[4];
  //we send the x y z values as a string to the serial port
  Serial.print("The acceleration info of x, y, z are:");
  sprintf(str, " %d %d %d", x, y, z);  
  Serial.write(10);</p><p>  int xx = map(x, 280, -245, 0, 7);
  int yy = map(y, 280, -245, 7, 0);
   sprintf(str, " %d / %d : %d", xx, yy, dispMode);  
  </p><p>  switch (dispMode) {
      case 0 : // X
        single(2, xx);
      case 1 : // Y 
        single(yy, 2);
      case 2 : // Free Point
        single(yy, xx);  
      default: single(yy, xx);  break;
  //Roll & Pitch calculate
  Serial.print("Roll:"); Serial.println( roll ); 
  Serial.print("Pitch:"); Serial.println( pitch );
  //It appears that delay is needed in order not to clog the port
 } else {
  // -------------------------- Control Mode
  if (dispMode >= 3) dispMode = 0;
 }</p><p>} //------------------------------ LOOP end </p><p>//---------------- ADXL345 Functions
//Writes val to address register on device
void writeTo(int device, byte address, byte val) {
  Wire.beginTransmission(device); //start transmission to device 
  Wire.write(address);        // send register address
  Wire.write(val);        // send value to write
  Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
//reads num bytes starting from address register on device in to buff array
void readFrom(int device, byte address, int num, byte buff[]) {
  Wire.beginTransmission(device); //start transmission to device 
  Wire.write(address);        //sends address to read from
  Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
    Wire.beginTransmission(device); //start transmission to device
  Wire.requestFrom(device, num);    // request 6 bytes from device
  int i = 0;
  while(Wire.available())    //device may send less than requested (abnormal)
    buff[i] =; // receive a byte
  Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
//calculate the Roll&Pitch
void RP_calculate(){
  double x_Buff = float(x);
  double y_Buff = float(y);
  double z_Buff = float(z);
  roll = atan2(y_Buff , z_Buff) * 57.3;
  pitch = atan2((- x_Buff) , sqrt(y_Buff * y_Buff + z_Buff * z_Buff)) * 57.3;

For information on installing libraries, see:

Detail Please refer :