Plastic Bag Organizer

by gt_man002 in Living > Kitchen

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Plastic Bag Organizer

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Do you have an abundance of plastic grocery bags in your house? We like to keep a bunch around because they come in handy when walking the dog, but they have a tendancy to get out of control. I got tire of seeing them around the garage and under the kitchen sink, so I made this tubular bag storage device. The trick is that when the storage device is full, we probably have more than enough bags, so any excess can be recycled or disposed of.

For more projects (more interesting ones), check out my project page at:

Get Materials

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For this project I used a 24" piece of 3" ABS Pipe and an End Cap, as well as a few scraps of wood to simplify mounting. You'll need some ABS cement to glue the end cap on.

For good looks use some left over spray paint from some other project.

Glue & Paint

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Glue the end cap onto the pipe.

Paint your pipe and wood mounting blocks. I decided to paint before drilling the hole just so there wouldn't be some weird overspray inside the hole.


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Use a hole saw to put a good sized hole in the 3" pipe near the end with the cap. This is where you will pull out the bags.

Drill some holes in the wood blocks for fastening it to the wall.

Mount the Wood Blocks

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Mount your wood blocks to the wall using some suitable mounting technique for your particular wall. In my case I screwed one side into a stud, and put in drywall anchors for the other side.

Attach Tube

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Now just attach the tube to the wood blocks with the open end up.

I drilled and countersunk so the screw heads wouldn't catch any bags.

The bottom screw is accessed through the hole. The top screw was put in on a slight angle so the drilling and screwing could be done through the open end.

Next, stick bags in the top until the start coming out the bottom. This holds about 20-25 plastic grocery store type bags.