Plastic Bag Sundress
This is what your "bag dress" will look like when it is done. Something quick and fun to do on a rainy day! Warning, it is somewhat see through!
These are the materials you will need for this project. A lot of plastic bags, a hot glue gun, scissors, and ribbon, colorful hot glue (optional, (in the sewing box)) and any other fun decorations!
Plug in your hot glue gun and put a piece of paper under it. (To avoid a rather gluey floor.)
Take two plastic bags, and cut a straight line along the BOTTOM seams.
Put one plastic bag in the other, and glue them together. (If hot glue melts the bags, quickly press them together, and the plastic will 'fuse' together.) Put on the bags like a shirt, to see if it fits.
Take another plastic bag, and cut the side and the bottom seam.
Repeat step 6, and glue one side of each bag together. Tie each handle strip to the one nearest it.
Hot glue the top of the bag skirt to the top of the dress. (Do not glue down the handle bows!)
Repeat step six, but tie the handle strips to handle bows already attached to the dress. It should now look like the second picture.
(This is an optional step.) Take colored hot glue or beads, and attach to the dress. (the bows, neckline, etc...)
The finished dress should now look something like this: Enjoy!!!