Pocket Size Artist Paint Kit
Makes a nice gift for an Artist or to treat and inspire yourself.
Put it your pocket and you are ready to paint a masterpiece anytime.
Things You Will Need
1- A cassette tape box. I used the soft kind, its more rugged and waterproof.
2- Water bottle caps. Make sure they match. Sizes vary.
3- A scrap of thin plywood or cardboard cut to size for a tray. I got free plywood from a farmers market vege box.
4- Art supplies. Paint, brushes, paper.
Fill the Caps With Liquid Watercolor Paint. Let Them Dry.
Glue Paint Caps to Wood Tray
Cut Brush to Fit
Put It All Together
You can add a string or ribbon to make tray removal easier.
If you used a soft plastic cassette box, it doubles as a paint and water mixing pan.
Other than that you are done. Happy painting