Pocket Translator
This translator built from a Raspberry Pi allows two people to communicate seamlessly even if they speak different languages. If you were an immigrant, it would be hard to live life if you couldn't speak to anyone. Now, if you have my pocket translator, you can communicate with anyone you want. Not only does it break the language barrier, it costs only sixty dollars to make. That way, it is affordable to most possible users.
How It Works
Two people put on headphones and when one person talks into the microphone in their language, it comes out the other person's headphones in the other person's language. When the first person is done talking, they hand the mic to the other person who does the same thing. That's how easy it is to talk to anyone with the pocket translator!
Parts List
Here are all of the parts you will need to make the Pocket Translator. You don't have to buy these exact parts from these exact sites, but these are the ones that I bought.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B $35.00-----------------------------------------------------------------------------CanaKit
Pre-loaded NOOBS Raspbian SD card (This will be the Raspberry Pi's hard drive.) $8.95--CanaKit
Powerbank $11.99-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon
USB Mic/Headphones separator $7.85--------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon
LCD GPIO Touchscreen $15.88-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon
Raspberry Pi USB mic $4.88---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon
Headphone splitter $9.84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon
Usb extender $4.99---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon
2 Headphone pairs - variable
audio mini compatable mic - variable
You will also need a mouse, keyboard, and HDMI monitor to get started.
Get Started With Your Raspberry Pi
To get started with your Raspberry Pi, you will need to install Raspbian (the operating system) with NOOBS. Here is the official documentation on raspbian and NOOBS.
The video is very useful, but if you bought a pre-loaded NOOBS SD card, start the video at 2 minutes and 50 seconds.
Installing the Touchscreen Driver
To install the touchscreen, follow the instructions on the seller's website.
3D Print the Shell
Attached is the 3D Printer file for the shell for the Pocket Translator. If you used a different power bank or Raspberry Pi model, the shell might not fit. But if you used the same exact materials, the shell will fit everything.
Go through the images and build as shown.
Some extra tips:
Plug the screen into the GPIOs on the Raspberry Pi as shown. Be sure to plug the screen in all the way at the end of the GPIOs.
Plug the headphones splitter into the green socket on the USB adapter and the mic into the red one.