Poliical Ad Hot Glue Gun Stand
I know, we can make something out of them. How about a hot glue gun stand. At least then all this card stock wont go to waste.
Print This!
We can make it really easy. Print this picture full page on 8.5X11 paper.
You can download the picture and keep it for future reference too!
Glue It
Since we're making a hot glue gun holder, Go get your hot glue gun and plug it in.
Glue the print out to an Add flier the same size.
Craft glue and White glue would work but hey, this is for a hot glue gun, so I'm using hot glue.
Work fast or, start at one end and work your way across the page.
Cut It Out
Cut out the shape, don't forget to cut the round hole.
Fold It Up!
Fold up the sides and the glue tabs. Then fold up the front and back.
Finish It
Glue the tabs to the sides one tab at a time.
Now your political ad flier is more useful than the politician!
Yes, that is a large glue gun! It's plenty stable and even if it falls over the hold glue won't end up on your table!.Go figure a politician helping to prevent a mess instead of cleaning one up.