Portal Turret Pencil Sharpener
Your Things
What you'll need:
7 toothpicks
1 pencil sharpener
1 package of baking clay (or four sticks of baking clay)
3 sharpies (1 black 1 grey/silver 1 red)
Molding and Bakeing
First color the front of your pencil sharpener with the red sharpie. Separate two sticks of clay, shape them into ovals, flatten them, and then poke two holes as seen above. These will make the side panels. Get the rest of your clay (two more sticks) and shape the body around the pencil sharpener. Poke two other holes in the side with clay, and three on the bottom. This is where the legs go. Once you have it shaped, bake in a oven at 275 for 5-10 minutes, then let them cool.
Get some scissors and cut all of your toothpicks in half and cut the ends off. Color 8 of your toothpick halves in the grey/silver color.
Hot glue the toothpicks and stick them in the holes on the side panels. Then color three toothpicks halves black and place in the bottom holes.