Press the Button
I made a quick game for my EAST class on Intsructables as a Project I had fun making the game too!
Make Costumes 1 and 2
Using a block and line tools make these 2 sprites in bitmap.
Make Starting Code
Start the code.
Make Costumes 3-10
Create these sprites with the line tool and circle tool in bitmap.
Make the Rest of the Code for This Sprite
Make this code
Copy This Background
Use circle, rectangle, and line tools to make this background or something like it.
Make Sprite 2
Make sprite two using the circle and line tools also convert all to bitmap
Code Sprite 2
Use this code.
Make Sprite 3
Make 2 costumes for sprite 3 using circle in line tools.
Code Sprite 3
Use this code for sprite 3.
You're Done
Round of applause to you (a little sarcastic).