Princess Peach's Turnip

by CaptchaBot001 in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Princess Peach's Turnip

My Pink Paw.jpg

This is a guide on creating a 3-D model of Princess Peach's turnip from Super Mario Brothers 2 and Super Smash Brothers using TinkerCad. This guide can also be used to create a dog paw. This is my first experience with TinkerCad as this is for an English assignment. Nevertheless, it was joy to recreate the deadliest vegetable.

If you do not have a TinkerCad account, a registration guide will be provided in the next couple of steps.

Creating a TinkerCad Account

TinkerCad Home Screen.png
WorkSpace Screen.png

1. Type in ( in the address bar on top of your browser.

2. Go to the upper right corner of the page as shown in the first image above.

3. You will now be at a screen that will look like the second image. You will now enter the information requested and create our account.

4. After successfully creating your account and verifying your email used during registration, you will now arrive a screen just like the third image. This is our dashboard. From here you will go to the "create a design button" and click on it.

5. If you see a screen like the fourth picture, congratulations, you have successfully created a TinkerCad account and navigated to the workplace.

Getting Familiar With TInkerCad

WorkSpace Screen.png

Before you start making the turnip, you need to familiarize yourself with the TinkerCad interface. Refer to the picture above to best follow the guide.

Red: This toolbar will be what you will be using to interact the with multiple shapes

Here are the functions listed from left to right:

1.Copy: This will copy any and all shapes you selected with your mouse.

2.Paste: This will paste another instance of any items you have copied using the Copy function. The object(s) will be placed whichever place you click with your mouse.

3.Duplicate: This will make an exact copy of whatever objects you have selected. The duplicate will be placed at the exact same position you made the original objects and will be the new selected object.

4.Delete: This will delete any all objects selected with the mouse.

5.Undo: This will undo the last action you have performed. This function can be used multiple times in succession to undo multiple steps.

6.Redo: This redo the last action you have undone,

7. Show All: Shows all information regarding a certain object but I am unsure exactly how this function works.

8.Group: This merges all selected objects into one object.

9.Ungroup: This separates all selected objects.

10. Align: This aligns all selected objects according one of the axes of one object. This will be useful in lining up the turnip and the veggies on the base later on.

11.Import: This allows you to bring in any files you either have from different projects or downloaded 2D or 3D images that have the supported file extensions.

12.Export: This is what you will be using to download your creation for 3-D printing.

13.Share: This will allow you to share your tinker model with others.

The other parts will be covered in the next step for clarity.

Getting Familiar With the TinkerCad Part 2

Picture of the Base One.png

This step will cover what is in the blue.

Blue: The tools provided here allow you to change the view of the work space. This will be useful in working on the underside of the turnip.

From the top down.

1.The 3-D dimensional cube at the top allows you to view the workplace from any spot you click on the cube.

2.The homeview button is a simple way to get back to the original view of the whole work space. This is useful when getting to a certain view is difficult.

3.The zoom button allows you magnify the work space. The zoom function magnifies towards the center.

4.The zoom out button allows you to spread the work space further away from you. This is a great tool from looking at the work space in its entirety.

5. The orthrographic view is another way to to look at the work space outside of the perspective view.

The toolbar in green will be covered in the next step.

Getting Familiar With the TinkerCad Part 3

WorkSpace Screen.png

This step will cover the tools that you will used to create your shapes

Green: (From Top to Bottom)

1. The workplane tool allows you to choose a new surface to work outside of the original one. This will be used to create the face on the turnip later on.

2. The ruler allows you to get multiple measurements for multiple objects wherever the ruler is placed. This will make it easier to get measurements for items but you need to be careful because the ruler does include measurements in respect to the ruler itself.

3.The dropdown menu includes all of the shapes that you will use for creating the turnip. You will be using basic shapes and the shape generator tab for creating the turnip.

4.The window has all of the shapes that you will be able to click and place on the workplace.

This covers just about all of the tools you will need for the need for the turnip. You are now ready to start on the turnip.

Starting With the Basics

Magic Cylinder.png

1.Place the ruler anywhere on the work space.

2.Click on the cylinder from the basic shapes window and place it anywhere that is covered by the ruler.

3.The cylinder will not look like the one featured in the picture but you should be able to see all the measurements you will need to adjust.

4.For each of the windows provided, type in the numbers that matches the cylinder provided in the picture.

5.You can adjust the color by clicking on the downward arrow near shape. This will show you the shapes properties that you can edit one of which being color. Click on color and then click on the shade of pink just like in the picture.

You should now have made the base for your turnip.

Extruding the Turnip Leaves

Turnip Leaves.png
Turnip for what.png

In this step, you will be creating the turnip leaves using the extrusion shape.

1.Navigate to the Featured Shape Generators from the drop-down menu.

2.Scroll down the window until you see the extrusion shape.

3.Place the extrusion shape anywhere along the ruler. You can move the cylinder away if you need the space.

4.Just like with the base, enter in the appropriate measurements as shown in the picture.

5.Go to the properties window just as you did with the base cylinder, you should now change the color to green.

6.You should notice that there is something different with the extrusion shape property menu as opposed to the cylinder. There is a grid with the outline of the shape. Click and adjust the points on the graph to match the graph as shown in the picture. Be careful as some points adjust a single point while others adjust the multiple points.

7.By now you should have now completed making a turnip leaf. You will now use the duplicate function on the top toolbar to create to make exact copies of the same leaf. Make sure to drag out the duplicated shapes as they are created at the exact same position of the original.

You have now created the turnip leaves.

Creating the Turnip

Turnip for what.png

Creating the turnip will consist of almost the exact steps as is the leaves. The only difference being the color will be white and you will only use one turnip.

1.Follow the same process you used to create the turnip and change the extrusion according to the picture above.

2.Make sure to use the same measurements as the turnip in the diagram above as well.

This picture was included with the last step in case you need a refresher on using the extrusion shape.

Bringing the Shapes Together.

Putting it all together.png

In this step, you will bring all the shapes you have created thus far together. There are multiple ways to accomplish this but I will discussing my method for the purposes of this guide. The turnip face will be covered in the next step.

1.Click on the turnip and move it towards the cylinder base. Use the align tool to center the turnip around the center of the x-axis of the base. Make any adjustment necessary to make it look more like the picture.

2.Position the leaves on cylinder. The alignment tool is not as useful for this so try to make it look like the picture as much as you can. You will need to rotate the leaves toward the center to get the best look.

3.For this next step you will need to move the base along the y-axis and put in a position to where the the leaves and turnip are sticking out from the bottom and the top.

3A. A possible alternative method would involve using smaller sizes for the turnip and leaves in addition to making a duplicate set. You would use the duplicate function for each of the objects on the first face to move down for the second or bottom face.

Stitching the Face Together.


In this step you will be drawing the face on the turnip.

1.Begin by using the workplane tool (circled in green) and clicking on the top of the base. You will now have a new workplace on top of the face instead of the of the default one.

2.Navigate back to the basic shapes window through the drop down menu.

3.Scroll down from to find the scribble tool.

4.From here you can draw any of the possible stitch faces as shown in the second picture. You could possible use a combination of other shapes to create the turnip face but I think it's more fun to create the face freehand.

5.After you have drawn your face, resize it to fit the turnip as shown in the picture.

6.When you finish positioning the face, create a duplicate and position the face for the bottom of the cylinder.

You have now completed the face and the TinkerCad model. Congratulations!

Exporting Your Model and Closing Comments

Export your newly finished model to your computer or you desired place of storage. Download any necessary software if you are using your own 3-D printer and print your creation. If you do not have your own 3-D printer, search for any places that offer 3-D printing sources. I used my school's library for printing my creation.

Closing Comments:

1. If your printer only does one color, you will have to paint the turnip its respective colors. If you want to get colors as close to ones used in game. You will need to get the hex colors from in-game screenshots and find the real world equivalents. Finding hex colors is not covered in this guide so you will need to google search on how to do that.

2.If you want to wear the turnip, you can create a whole around the top of the cylinder using another cylinder and the hole option in properties. From here you can then use whatever material you want to create tie and create the necklace.

I hope you enjoyed reading this guide! This is my first time making an Instructable and using TinkerCad so I apologize for the steps not being optimized.