Program an Atari Game
This is a simple way to make a quick and fun game in Visual Studios
Creating 1st Interface
To start this off you need the Microsoft Visual Basic Program. If you don't have it, it's a free download from the Microsoft website.
Anyway, to begin click New Project. Then name it what ever you want. I named mine AtariBreakoutGeniusProject
Now to start your GUI
1st go to your Properties tab and make sure they look like they ones from the first 3 photos
2nd Go to your tool bar and drag on two Labels. Make them look like the pictures above
3rd do the same with the buttons
Creating Credits Screen
To start go to Project > Add Windows Form
1st make the size the same as the first GUI
2nd Add labels for all the information you want to display
3rd create and name a return button
Creating the Main Game
Create another form like last time
1st make it the same size
2nd add and name labels for how many boxes you want, the scores etc.
3rd add a "ball" and a paddle
4th go to Components (in the Toolbar) and click and drag a Timer. Make all the properties look like the picture.
5th add labels and buttons for the menu. Don't forget to set their visibility to False
Coding the Game
Start by double clicking on each GUI to open the code window\
!st copy the first picture's code into the Title's Screen
2nd copy the second picture's code into the Credits' Screen
3rd copy the rest into the Main Game's Screen (note: The code to make the rest of the boxes disappear is the same with just differences in name, location etc)