Project Mars-Cells
For reasons(virus, wars, meteorite impact...), we hunman beings may move to a new planet.
And the conditions on most planets are harsh, so before we move, we need build habitats on those planets first.
We design a model to show our ideas about building habitats on Mars.
We design these construcions and call them 'cells'. Each cell is a unit, and each one can be used for different ways. Some cells are living room, some are work room... We can build cells as a combination, and produce more cells for expansion. It's kind like biological cell, that's why we call this project 'Mars-cells'
We design it in Tinkercad.
Design file:
3D Printer
Arduino(or other circuits kit)
Learn About the Planet
If we want to set up habitats on Mars, we have to know the conditions on Mars, like the gravity, weathers, pressure...
Then we design the constructions of our Mars habitats basing on these conditions.
Upon consideration, we decide to design a combination of small constructions rather than one huge construction.
1.We can move to Mars earlier by building small constructions.
When some of small constructions are built, we can gradually move to Mars, while we cannot move to Mars until the huge construction is finished.
2.Small constructions are safer than one huge construction.
If there is damage(like a hole) on huge construction, it would be catastrophic.While we can easily fix or isolate small construction which is damaged. So small constructions are safer than huge construction.
3.Small constructions are more flexible than huge construction.
Huge construction is hard to make a change, while we can easily modify and upgrade small constructions. So small construcions are more flexible than huge construction.
Design and Print the Constructions
On Mars, it's hard for human to build constructions, so we apply 3D printer printing small constructions.
This small construction we design is one piece, you can 3d-print it at one time without assembling, and you can 3D print it without printing the support due to the shapes of the roof and door, no need for taking off support.
So building a construction like this takes little human work. On Mars, it's helpful.
Mars temprature is too low for human, so we design the construction as double-wall for vacuum insulation.
Design and Print the Connetions
Just like the cell construction in step1, the connecting tube is also can be printed without printing the support.
Using connceting tubes, we can connect cells or facilities as different structures, and keep expanding.
Design and Make Power Facilities
It's possible to apply wind generators on Mars.
Although the Mars air pressure is not as high as on earth, some place on Mars has very high-speed wind. Besides, the lower gravity on Mars means we can make bigger turbine.
This wind-power facility we make has a angular sensor connected with the anemoscope, it can sense the direction of wind, and then control the wind generator moving towards wind. So it works efficiently.
Solar power is another choice of power supply on Mars.
We make a solar power facility with light intensity sensors,so it can chase the direction of sunlight.Just like sunflower.
My Tip
Tinkercad has already provides many shaps ,but something like sensors are not.
Teachers can measure the sensors and draw it with Tinkercad, and share it in Tinkercad to students.
Then students can easily involve circuits kit in their 3D designs.
Thanks for reading.