Protect Your Stuff
Hello, in this Instructable, I will be showing you how to protect your items you put in your chest. It's a sort of expensive way to protect your things, but it works pretty well....... or not.
You will need:
-169 Planks or Stone Blocks
-Stone Pressure Plates or Plank Pressure Plates
-A Chest
-169 TNT
Some MineCraft servers will allow you to make a sign and put it right over a chest and it will say something like, "Locked [*YOURUSERNAME*]".
Digging and Placing Blocks
Now to start making the trap, dig a hole in the ground 2 meters(blocks) deep and 13x13. Place on the entire bottom your 169 TNT. Then cover the surface with stone or planks and put a chest in the middle.
Pressure Plates
Then surround the chest in Pressure plates and put obsidian over the entire thing.