Purple Rotary Phone
I had an old rotary phone that was in need of a good make over. So why not purple!
Get Phone and Clean
I found this phone at an estate sale. It is very dirty but seems to work. I used windex and a lot of paper towels to get the stickers off and the dirtiness removed .
Prime the Phone
I used a spray can primer after masking the phone.
In order to get the plastic dial off , I found this good You tube instructional http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Fw-Mw74jE .
In order to get the plastic dial off , I found this good You tube instructional http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Fw-Mw74jE .
Paint the Phone Purple
I used a spray can of purple paint to spray the phone and the cord.
After doing the paint I had to put the numbers back and I found this web site that sells decals of the numbers :
They are not exactly like the original numbers but they are fine and it was an easy way to get the numbers back .
To put the plastic dial back on, just follow the instructions on the you tube video.
After doing the paint I had to put the numbers back and I found this web site that sells decals of the numbers :
They are not exactly like the original numbers but they are fine and it was an easy way to get the numbers back .
To put the plastic dial back on, just follow the instructions on the you tube video.
Use It
Currently the phone is next to the more modern one. I will move iot when I do some wiring but it rings and I can dial out. Pretty cool!