Puzzle Box With PVC
This is an instructable I made for a different style of puzzle box that has a little piece on the end to mix people up when solving it.
To start off this project I went to my local hard ware store and picked up the following materials.
- Two pieces of wood (36" x ~5")
- One piece of PVC (1" in diameter (any length))
I then took some of the tools I had laying around the house to cut and shave down the wood/pvc- I used a mechanical saw to cut both the wood and pvc and some sand paper to shave off access.
Cutting the Wood/pvc
I took one of the wood pieces I had and cut it into 3 even 12" pieces. I then took the other piece of wood I had and cut it into two small pieces of wood that were about 6" inches long. I finally cut the pvc at 45 degree angles to get an angle effect so I could fit more pieces into the box.
Small "house" Piece
I took the extra wood I had and cut out a 2" long house looking piece to glue inside the box because I ended up running out of pvc.
Gluing Wood
I then took all the wood pieces I had and glued them together to get the box. I glued in the little house piece and fit together all the pieces.
Final Product
I finally had all the pieces fit together and took them out so I could try and fit them together again.