Puzzle for Kids
This is a puzzle for Kids.
This puzzle has beautiful pictures of football and ducks.
This puzzle is made in the autodesk fusion 360.
This puzzle has counting numbers from one to ten.
This puzzle has sliding joints between different components.
There are total twelve components in this puzzle.
For preparing this puzzle first open the autodesk fusion 360.
Then enter in the model workspace of fusion 360.
Draw a square having dimensions 200 mm.
Then stop sketch.
Then extrude the square by 100 mm.
Then select create sketch.
Then draw different lines on the top face .
Then draw circles as shown in figure.
The sketch which is not required is trimmed using the option trim in the ribbon drop down of create sketch.
After creating the sketch press stop sketch.
Then divide the body using drawn sketches.
Then apply the colours to the different components.
Colours applied are green and red and these colours are applied alternative to each other.
Then I have joined different components by the option joint from the ribbon drop down of assemble in fusion 360.
I have applied sliding joint between different components.
In this way I have joined different components of puzzle.
After joining puzzle I have applied decal or picture to the top face of puzzle.
I have applied two images of duck.
Then I have entered in the model work space of fusion 360.
Then I have taken the option text from the ribbon drop down of text.
I have typed numbers 1 to 10 on the upper surface of puzzle.
Then I have typed option stop sketch for ending the text addition to puzzle.
Then I have applied fillets to every edge of puzzle.
Fillets are added again and again so that every face is smoothened.
Fillets addition is necessary so that it cause no harm to the soft skin of kids.
Fillets addition also reduces stress concentration in puuzzle.
After fillets addition puzzle is looking nice from the top view.
Then I have entered in the render work space of fusion 360.
Then I have added pictures of football to the different faces of puzzle.
Pictures are added by the option of Decal in the render work space of fusion 360.
In this step I have added different views of puzzle.