Pyramid Energy, Does It Exsist? (Research)

by Douwe 66 in Workshop > Science

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Pyramid Energy, Does It Exsist? (Research)


Back in the days when I was a teenager, I read a book about pyramid energy. The book really intrigued me, because little is known about this subject.
As described by several books, the pyramid of Cheops would have special healing and conservation powers. Food stored in the pyramid was conserved for ages. Experiments have shown that this is also the fact for scale models of the pyramid. Some people also say that the pyramid helps remedy headache and RSI.

I was inspired to do my own research, and started by putting milk under a pyramid scale model. I also put a same ammount of milk at another location in the same environment. This gave surprising but no conclusive results.
More recently I also experimented with other subjects like growing small plants and testing the influence of the pyramid on water and orange juice.

In this Instructable I desrcibe how I did my research and show you the results.

With this instructable I hope to inspire people to start experimenting with pyramid energy in a scientific way and show the results to the world!

Research Questions and Hypothesis



According to literature about pyramids, they influency many things from razor blades to petrol and food.
For this project I restrict myself to the following questions:

"Does a pyramid influence the growth of plants?"

"Does a pyramid influence the taste of orange juice and/or water?"


In the literature research that I did, many influences were stated. For example, razor blades stay sharper when kept under the pyramid and people were cured by drinking pyramid water (water that has been under the pyramid for some time). Unfortunately most of the research that is done, hasn't been done in a scientific way (with control groups and in larger numbers).
What I do know is that a small test I did earlier with milk under a pyramid scale model, turned out pretty promising. In the image above, two cups of milk are shown. The one on the right has been under the pyramid for two weeks, while the one on the left had been at the other side of the room. The right one did still smell like milk, while the left one smelled sour.

With this knowledge my hypothesis is that the pyramid will influence the growth of plants and the taste of fluids in some way.



To start a research project with pyramids, you need to build at least one scale model of the pyramid of Cheops.
In my research I made three different pyramids.

Wooden pyramid
For my wooden pyramid I used a large sheet of chipboard. A board of 140cm x 100cm should be enough to make a pyramid with a height of 40cm. The pyramid is held together with duct tape.
So what is needed:

  • Chipboard (140x100cm)
  • Duct tape

Copper tube pyramid
For the copper tube pyramid I used copper service pipes. A total of about 3 meters is needed to make a model with a height of 40cm. Solder and a gas burner are used to connect the tubes to each other.

  • 3 meters of Copper service pipe
  • Solder
  • S39 (flux)
  • Gas burner

Copper wire pyramid
For the wire pyramid copper wire with a diameter of 2mm was used. A total length of about 5 meters is needed for the whole model. The wires are connected with solder and a soldering iron

  • 5 meters of Copper wire
  • Solder
  • Soldering iron

Research materials
For the seed growth test, the following is needed:

  • Cress seeds
  • Cotton whool
  • Plastic cups
  • 5 bottles of water
  • A ruler

For the taste test the following is needed:

  • 4 bottles of water
  • 2 cartons of orange juice
  • Plastic cups

Method: Building the Pyramid


I this step I describe how the different pyramids are built. The dimensions are the same for all the pyramids.

To calculate the dimensions you first have to decide what height the pyramid needs to be. In my case I used 40cm but every other height would also be right.
With the pyramid height you can determine the length of the eight ribs of the pyramid.

Bottom ribs: 4pcs of length 1.5708*height, in my case 1.5708*40 = 62.83cm.

Side ribs: 4pcs of length 1.4945*height, in my case 1.4945*40 = 59.78cm.

Wooden pyramid
In this case you have to construct 4 triangles with the dimensions as shown in the figure above. If you don't want to waste wood, you can best alternate the triangles.
It is said in the literature that the bottom square of the pyramid has no influence, so I diceded to only make the 4 triangles.
While cutting, the saw is set at an angle, so the triangles will fit together nicely.
I used duct tape to hold the four triangles together as a pyramid shape.

Copper tube pyramid
For the copper tube pyramid again only the 4 side ribs are made. So four tubes need to be cut with all the same size. As can be seen in the image above, the tubes need to be cut at the right angle so they can be soldered together. This gives a beatiful shape, but makes it a lot harder to make them.
When the pipes are cut, they can be soldered together with a gas burner and solder. Use flux (S39) to help the solder flow in between. Important when soldering is that the bottom ends of the tubes (ribs) are exactly the length of the "bottom rib" apart.
I used the wooden pyramid as a mould while soldering this one. This way the angle (and thus the distance between the ends of the tubes) is exactly right.

Copper wire pyramid
The wire pyramid is probably the simplest. You need to cut 4 pieces for the side ribs and 4 pieces for the bottom ribs.
First solder the bottom ribs in an exact square. After that you can solder the side ribs one by one (use something to hold them in the right position). At the end you can solder the 4 wires at the top together and you should have a nice pyramid.

Method: Placing Your Test Objects


When you have built one or more pyramids, you can start your experiment.

First thing you have to do, is put the pyramid at the right angle. Two ribs of the base of the pyramid need to be parallel to the north-south line of a compass. An illustration is shown above. This is also exactly how the pyramid of Cheops is oriented.

Next thing to consider is the location of your test object in the pyramid. The location with the strongest energy is said to be the center of gravity of the pyramid (which is also the location of the king's chamber), which is at 1/3 of the height (see step 7 for the proof). I used cardboard boxes to raise the bottles a bit.

If the object doesn't fit under the pyramid, like the bottle of water under the wooden pyramid in my case, it is also possible to mirror the center of gravity in the top or bottom of the pyramid. So at 2/3 above the pyramid the energy would be (almost) as strong as at 1/3 of the pyramid (according to the literature).

The wooden beams and boards you see in the image are used to make the floor exactly level. Because we live in an old house, our floor is far from level...

My test objects
In my research I put bottles of water/orange juice under the pyramids (and with the wooden pyramid, on top of it).

The first test I did involved cress seeds. I put about 100 seeds in five identical (marked) cups, filled with cotton whool. Three cups where given water from the 3 different pyramids, the other two were control cups, and fed with the same water that was stored in the same room as the pyramids, but not kept under the pyramid.
I measured the average length of 15 seeds regularly for each cup.

The second test I did involved a taste test. 24 hours before the test I put a new (closed) bottle of water under the wire pyramid, and one at the other side of the same room. The next day I subjected a group of 16 people to a taste test. I put the two types of water in two equal cups, with a different number. Nobody was told which one was the pyramid water. I asked everybody to fill in wheter he/she tasted a difference and which one of the two they liked the most.
I repeated the last experiment also with orange juice.

Results With Plants


As already can be seen from the image, not all the plants have the same length. Interesting is that the cup marked with a red line was fed with normal water and the blank cup was fed with pyramid water. So it really seems there is something going on here.

I plotted all the measured average lenghts in the graph above. Also in the graph the growth of the seeds seems to be effected by the pyramid (Or maybe it is just that the plants don't like the red line around the cup ^^)

Results With Drinks


People did not taste a great difference between the two water samples. Indeed it is hard to tell a difference between two glasses of a fluid without any taste. Surprisingly still more people liked the pyramid water over the normal water when subjected to a blind taste test.

Orange juice
With the orange juice I also gave a group of persons two numbered glasses. One with normal orange juice and one with pyramid orange juice.
When asked about the taste, people gave interesting answers. Almost everyone liked the pyramid orange juice the most. Even the people who said that they liked the orange juice from the pyramid less than the normal one, said they could taste a difference. Almost everybody stated that the one of the samples tasted more fresh/pure. This turned out to be the one that had been under the pyramid for 24 hours.

The results are shown in the bar graph above,

Mathematical Background (Center of Gravity)


In the literature I couldn't find anywhere why the height of 1/3 was chosen to be the right height to put the test objects. Also I had no clue why this should be the place with the most "energy".

My presumption was that this point is the center of gravity of the pyramid, so of course I tried to prove this.

Seen from the top it is not hard to fiend the center of gravity, because the pyramid looks like a square, one could easily see that it is the exact center of the square.
Seen from one side, the center of gravity is not immediately found. Keep in mind that it is not a equilateral triangle, so the center of gravity is not the middle of the triangle.
In the figure above a cross section of the pyramid is shown. The line AB is the base of the pyramid and AC and BC are two sides of the pyramid.
Because of the mathematical signs needed I put the proof in an image. But it proves that the center of gravity is at exactly 1/3 of the height of any given pyramid, thus also the pyramid of Cheops.

Mathematical Background (Golden Ratio)


Another intriguing thing about the pyramid is that the golden ratio can be found in it.
When considering the length of the cross section line (shown in the figure above), which is 50.86 and comparing it to the length of the half base, which is 62.83/2 = 31.42 one gets the golden ratio:

50.86/31.42 = 1.618...

Why is this intriguing?
The golden ratio is a really important ratio which can be found everywhere in nature. The images above show two beatufil examples of the golden ratio in nature.

Looking at some literature one can find the following about the golden ratio:

"No one knows for sure, but scientists speculate that plants that grow in spiral formation do so in Fibonacci numbers because this arrangement makes for the perfect spacing for growth. So for some reason, these numbers provide the perfect arrangement for maximum growth potential and survival of the plant."



The experiment with seeds and pyramid water shows a clear difference between the plants treated with pyramid water and the plants treated with normal water. The pyramid water caused the seeds to grow 25% longer on average than the seeds that were treated with normal water. So it certainly seems that the pyramid does something with the water that improves the growth of seeds/plants.

In the taste experiment the results were also pretty clear. Especially the orange juice was chosen as most tasty by almost everybody. The only cause for this can be either influence of the pyramid on the juice, the factory making a batch of orange juice with two different tastes. The latter is not very likely because factories produce orange juice on a large scall, so every pack of juice would taste the same.

After this research project the pyramid seems to have some kind of influence on objects exposed to it. Moreover, the influence seems benign: plants grow better and juice tastes more natural and fresher.

People who don't believe the results should try it theirselves
, because I still can't believe these results too.
The fact that I'm skeptical is also a reason for me to trust my results, because why should I alter the measurement to get a result that I don't believe...?

Of course, more research need to be done to answer the main question, for now my answer to the question:
Does pyramid energy exsists? Yes it might!

Other Research Questions to Investigate

Literature sais it's possible, but is it really true that someone can be cured by sitting under a pyramid an hour a day. Or is drinking pyramid water healthy? Many people say they feel more cheerful when drinking pyramid water every now and then.

"Does the pyramid cure ailments or speed up the healing process?"

It is known that the great pyramid (of Cheops) conserved products for over 2000 years, but can a scale model do the same. My first attemt with milk shows promising results, but can they be reproduced?

"Is it possible to conserve products with pyramid energy?"

Finally as always there are also results that need to be taken with a grain of salt. For example I have read of people experience razor blades last longer, cars that run better with a pyramid in the trunk and so on..

"Does the pyramid effect (other) everyday objects or fluids?"

If you have answers or results on this topic, I would be pleased to hear about it!