Quick and Easy Knife Block
With this instructable I'd like to share how to make a snazzy knife block that you can make in twenty minutes or less (not counting the time it takes to eat 42 ounces of oatmeal).
The idea for this design came from a commercial product that used plastic rods. Another instructabler, jliken, has posted a beautifully crafted version which you should check out ( https://www.instructables.com/id/Bamboo-Knife-Block/ ). But if quick 'n' dirty is more your style you've come to right place.
This knife block can accommodate any number of knives, depending on the size of the container you choose. It also fits odd sized knives and kitchen scissors with ease. I love the modularity and the ease of construction. For those interested in putting more effort into the appearance of the finished product, check out the last step for other construction ideas.
The idea for this design came from a commercial product that used plastic rods. Another instructabler, jliken, has posted a beautifully crafted version which you should check out ( https://www.instructables.com/id/Bamboo-Knife-Block/ ). But if quick 'n' dirty is more your style you've come to right place.
This knife block can accommodate any number of knives, depending on the size of the container you choose. It also fits odd sized knives and kitchen scissors with ease. I love the modularity and the ease of construction. For those interested in putting more effort into the appearance of the finished product, check out the last step for other construction ideas.
Materials and Tools
The basic model requires a container, like this oatmeal tube, and a bunch of skewers that are as long or longer than the container is deep (Fig. 1). Oh, and some knives to put in it, because once you've got all that you're almost done.
The oatmeal box used is about 5 inches in diameter and I needed about 12 packs (100 count) of 10 inch bamboo skewers.
For the fancier version I beefed up the strength of the box's base. I thought the cardboard base was probably too weak on its own and would deform or blow out after a while, so I used the Optional Accessories (Fig. 2) to make the base sturdier. If you don't want to reinforce the base, skip straight to step 3.
The oatmeal box used is about 5 inches in diameter and I needed about 12 packs (100 count) of 10 inch bamboo skewers.
For the fancier version I beefed up the strength of the box's base. I thought the cardboard base was probably too weak on its own and would deform or blow out after a while, so I used the Optional Accessories (Fig. 2) to make the base sturdier. If you don't want to reinforce the base, skip straight to step 3.
Reinforcing the Base
If, like me, you're worried about the long term performance of the base of your container, reinforce it! If you're using an oatmeal box like this, simply:
Fig. 1 -Measure the diameter of the base
Fig. 2 -Mark a circle (or two) of the same size on your cardboard
Fig. 3 & 4 -Cut the circles out (and then fiddle with them til they fit nicely)
Fig. 5 -Glue them on and put a weight on 'em while they dry
Fig. 1 -Measure the diameter of the base
Fig. 2 -Mark a circle (or two) of the same size on your cardboard
Fig. 3 & 4 -Cut the circles out (and then fiddle with them til they fit nicely)
Fig. 5 -Glue them on and put a weight on 'em while they dry
Put the Skewers In
This is also a good time to play a quick game of pick-up-sticks.
Sure takes a lot more skewers than I thought. I had to run back to the store three times! Adjust the amount of skewers the knives you'll be storing in this knife block all fit in nicely; tight but not too tight.
Got the skewers packed in reasonably tightly? Fantastic! stick a knife in it and you're done!
Sure takes a lot more skewers than I thought. I had to run back to the store three times! Adjust the amount of skewers the knives you'll be storing in this knife block all fit in nicely; tight but not too tight.
Got the skewers packed in reasonably tightly? Fantastic! stick a knife in it and you're done!
Further Ideas
Here are some ideas for alternative containers that I came up to complicate a simple project. But if your friends are making fun of you, saying that your very practical knife block is too college-share-house chic, then maybe one of these ideas will be just what you need.
I'd love to see pics of these or any others that you come up with!
Alternative Containers that might fit your interior decor better:
Cover the oatmeal box with contact paper
Paint the oatmeal box
Cut the top off of a wine bottle
Birch bark forms nice tubes when the wood decays from the middle, would a cloth backing need to be glued around the inside to reinforce it?
A steel can
Don't use a full container at all, perhaps just two large pipe clamps would work to contain the skewers
The knife block could be mounted at an angle to easier see all the handles, or it could be mounted horizontally, e.g. under a cupboard
Have fun and post pics of what you've done!
I'd love to see pics of these or any others that you come up with!
Alternative Containers that might fit your interior decor better:
Cover the oatmeal box with contact paper
Paint the oatmeal box
Cut the top off of a wine bottle
Birch bark forms nice tubes when the wood decays from the middle, would a cloth backing need to be glued around the inside to reinforce it?
A steel can
Don't use a full container at all, perhaps just two large pipe clamps would work to contain the skewers
The knife block could be mounted at an angle to easier see all the handles, or it could be mounted horizontally, e.g. under a cupboard
Have fun and post pics of what you've done!