RC Wifi Car Robot Camera Using Arduino and OpenWRT

by yichone in Circuits > Robots

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RC Wifi Car Robot Camera Using Arduino and OpenWRT


A wifi car based on Arduino

by suing openWRT

Aim: DIY a wireless car based on Arduino. By controlling the car, we can see the other things in the remote location, or can monitor the security.

Effect by picture:


l Brush openWRT into wireless router (like WR703N), and install mjpeg - the streamer and ser2net software.

l Mjpeg is used to deal with the video data from camera, and then send it via the Http protocol to the third party.

l The third party such as mobile phone through wifi access routers, send control instructions in the TCP connection

l After receiving instructions through ser2net, router would send instruction to the binding of a serial port, this is Arduino UNO.

l After receiving instructions, Arduino can control the expansion board (or shield), and then the shield would control motor, sensors, servos, and other electronic components. Finally, the motor and steering gear will execute instructions.


Main accessories:

Camera: chassis: http://www.smartarduino.com/wifi-web-camera-car-t...

Car chassis:


Arduino: http://www.smartarduino.com/arduino-compatible_d0...

Arduino shield: http://www.smartarduino.com/arduino-shields_d0010...


1. #include

2. #include


4. //UART PROTOCOL///////////////////////

5. #define UART_FLAG 0XFF

6. //Moto////////////////////////////////


8. #define MOTO 0X00

9. #define FORWARD 0X01 //MOTO COMMAND

10. #define BACKWARD 0X02

11. #define TURNLEFT 0X03

12. #define TURNRIGHT 0X04

13. #define CARSTOP 0X00

14. //Servo///////////////////////////////


16. #define SERVO 0X01

17. //Moto Speed//////////////////////////


19. #define MOTOSPEED 0X02

20. //////////////////////////////////////

21. int n = 1;

22. int flagCount = 0;

23. int tempData = 0;

24. int UARTReveived = 0;

25. int rxData[5];

26. //-------------------define motor----------------------------------------------//

27. AF_DCMotor motorL(3,MOTOR12_8KHZ); //connect to M3

28. AF_DCMotor motorR(4,MOTOR12_8KHZ); //connect to M4

29. int motor_speed = 200; //[modifid]motor speed 150-200,---min:100;max:255

30. int motor_delay = 400; //[modifid]delay time in step


32. //-------------------define servo----------------------------------------------//

33. Servo hand_t_servo; // create servo object to control a servo

34. Servo hand_d_servo; // create servo object to control a servo

35. int hand_t_pos = 90; //

36. int hand_d_pos = 90; //

37. int hand_delay = 1; //[modifid] speed of hand


39. //------------------main program-----------------------------------------------//

40. void loop()

41. {

42. if(Serial.available())

43. {

44. tempData = Serial.read();

45. delay(3);

46. if(tempData == UART_FLAG && flagCount < 2)

47. {

48. rxData[0] = tempData;

49. flagCount++;

50. }

51. else

52. {

53. rxData[n] = tempData;

54. n++;

55. }

56. if(flagCount == 2)

57. {

58. rxData[4] == UART_FLAG;

59. UARTReveived = 1;

60. n = 1;

61. flagCount = 0;

62. tempData = 0;

63. Serial.flush();

64. }

65. }

66. if(UARTReveived == 1)

67. {

68. Serial.print("rxData:");

69. Serial.print(rxData[0]);

70. Serial.println(rxData[1]);

71. if(rxData[1] == MOTO)

72. {

73. switch(rxData[2])

74. {

75. case FORWARD:

76. carGoFwd();

77. break;

78. case BACKWARD:

79. carGoBwd();

80. break;

81. case TURNLEFT:

82. carTurnL();

83. break;

84. case TURNRIGHT:

85. carTurnR();

86. break;

87. case CARSTOP:

88. carStop();

89. break;

90. }

91. UARTReveived = 0;

92. }

93. else if(rxData[1] == SERVO)

94. {

95. servoSet(rxData[2], rxData[3]);

96. UARTReveived = 0;

97. }

98. else if(rxData[1] == MOTOSPEED)

99. {

100. CHNSpeed(rxData[2], rxData[3]);

101. UARTReveived = 0;

102. }

103. }

104. }



107. void carGoFwd()

108. {

109. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

110. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

111. motorL.run(FORWARD);

112. motorR.run(FORWARD);

113. Serial.print("forward");

114. delay(motor_delay);

115. }

116. void carGoBwd()

117. {

118. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

119. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

120. motorL.run(BACKWARD);

121. motorR.run(BACKWARD);

122. Serial.print("Backward");

123. delay(motor_delay);

124. }

125. void carTurnL()

126. {

127. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

128. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

129. motorL.run(BACKWARD);

130. motorR.run(FORWARD);

131. delay(motor_delay);

132. Serial.print("TurnL");

133. }

134. void carTurnR()

135. {

136. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

137. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

138. motorL.run(FORWARD);

139. motorR.run(BACKWARD);

140. delay(motor_delay);

141. Serial.print("TurnR");

142. }

143. void carStop()

144. {

145. b_motor_stop();

146. Serial.print("carStop");

147. delay(5);

148. }

149. //CAR SPEED

150. void CHNSpeed(int wheelDIR, int wheelSpeed)

151. {

152. if(wheelDIR == 0X01) //LEFT WHEEL

153. {

154. motorL.setSpeed(wheelSpeed);

155. }

156. else if(wheelDIR == 0X02) //RIGHT WHEEL

157. {

158. motorR.setSpeed(wheelSpeed);

159. }

160. }


162. void servoSet(int servoNum, int pos)

163. {

164. if(pos > 180) pos = 160;

165. else if(pos < 0) pos = 0;

166. switch(servoNum)

167. {

168. case 0X07:

169. hand_t_servo.write(pos);

170. Serial.print("X");

171. Serial.print(pos);

172. break;

173. case 0X08:

174. hand_d_servo.write(pos);

175. Serial.print("Y");

176. Serial.print(pos);

177. break;

178. }

179. }

180. void setup()

181. {

182. Serial.begin(9600);

183. b_motor_stop();

184. b_servo_ini();

185. //delay(2000); //waiting time

186. Serial.println("Hello! Wifi Car");

187. }


189. void b_motor_stop(){

190. motorL.run(RELEASE);

191. motorR.run(RELEASE);

192. }


194. void b_servo_ini(){

195. hand_t_servo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

196. hand_d_servo.attach(10); // attaches the servo on pin 10 to the servo object

197. hand_t_servo.write(hand_t_pos);

198. hand_d_servo.write(hand_d_pos);

199. }

The Overall Effect


Aim: DIY a wireless car based on Arduino. By controlling the car, we can

see the other things in the remote location, or can monitor the security.

Principle of the Intelligent Car


l Brush openWRT into wireless router (like WR703N), and install mjpeg

- the streamer and ser2net software.

l Mjpeg is used to deal with the video data from camera, and then send it via the Http protocol to the third party.

l The third party such as mobile phone through wifi access routers, send control instructions in the TCP connection

l After receiving instructions through ser2net, router would send instruction to the binding of a serial port, this is Arduino UNO.

l After receiving instructions, Arduino can control the expansion board (or shield), and then the shield would control motor, sensors, servos, and other electronic components. Finally, the motor and steering gear will execute instructions.




1. #include

2. #include


4. //UART PROTOCOL///////////////////////

5. #define UART_FLAG 0XFF

6. //Moto////////////////////////////////


8. #define MOTO 0X00

9. #define FORWARD 0X01 //MOTO COMMAND

10. #define BACKWARD 0X02

11. #define TURNLEFT 0X03

12. #define TURNRIGHT 0X04

13. #define CARSTOP 0X00

14. //Servo///////////////////////////////


16. #define SERVO 0X01

17. //Moto Speed//////////////////////////


19. #define MOTOSPEED 0X02

20. //////////////////////////////////////

21. int n = 1;

22. int flagCount = 0;

23. int tempData = 0;

24. int UARTReveived = 0;

25. int rxData[5];

26. //-------------------define motor----------------------------------------------//

27. AF_DCMotor motorL(3,MOTOR12_8KHZ); //connect to M3

28. AF_DCMotor motorR(4,MOTOR12_8KHZ); //connect to M4

29. int motor_speed = 200; //[modifid]motor speed 150-200,---min:100;max:255

30. int motor_delay = 400; //[modifid]delay time in step


32. //-------------------define servo----------------------------------------------//

33. Servo hand_t_servo; // create servo object to control a servo

34. Servo hand_d_servo; // create servo object to control a servo

35. int hand_t_pos = 90; //

36. int hand_d_pos = 90; //

37. int hand_delay = 1; //[modifid] speed of hand


39. //------------------main program-----------------------------------------------//

40. void loop()

41. {

42. if(Serial.available())

43. {

44. tempData = Serial.read();

45. delay(3);

46. if(tempData == UART_FLAG && flagCount < 2)

47. {

48. rxData[0] = tempData;

49. flagCount++;

50. }

51. else

52. {

53. rxData[n] = tempData;

54. n++;

55. }

56. if(flagCount == 2)

57. {

58. rxData[4] == UART_FLAG;

59. UARTReveived = 1;

60. n = 1;

61. flagCount = 0;

62. tempData = 0;

63. Serial.flush();

64. }

65. }

66. if(UARTReveived == 1)

67. {

68. Serial.print("rxData:");

69. Serial.print(rxData[0]);

70. Serial.println(rxData[1]);

71. if(rxData[1] == MOTO)

72. {

73. switch(rxData[2])

74. {

75. case FORWARD:

76. carGoFwd();

77. break;

78. case BACKWARD:

79. carGoBwd();

80. break;

81. case TURNLEFT:

82. carTurnL();

83. break;

84. case TURNRIGHT:

85. carTurnR();

86. break;

87. case CARSTOP:

88. carStop();

89. break;

90. }

91. UARTReveived = 0;

92. }

93. else if(rxData[1] == SERVO)

94. {

95. servoSet(rxData[2], rxData[3]);

96. UARTReveived = 0;

97. }

98. else if(rxData[1] == MOTOSPEED)

99. {

100. CHNSpeed(rxData[2], rxData[3]);

101. UARTReveived = 0;

102. }

103. }

104. }



107. void carGoFwd()

108. {

109. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

110. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

111. motorL.run(FORWARD);

112. motorR.run(FORWARD);

113. Serial.print("forward");

114. delay(motor_delay);

115. }

116. void carGoBwd()

117. {

118. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

119. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

120. motorL.run(BACKWARD);

121. motorR.run(BACKWARD);

122. Serial.print("Backward");

123. delay(motor_delay);

124. }

125. void carTurnL()

126. {

127. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

128. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

129. motorL.run(BACKWARD);

130. motorR.run(FORWARD);

131. delay(motor_delay);

132. Serial.print("TurnL");

133. }

134. void carTurnR()

135. {

136. motorL.setSpeed(motor_speed);

137. motorR.setSpeed(motor_speed);

138. motorL.run(FORWARD);

139. motorR.run(BACKWARD);

140. delay(motor_delay);

141. Serial.print("TurnR");

142. }

143. void carStop()

144. {

145. b_motor_stop();

146. Serial.print("carStop");

147. delay(5);

148. }

149. //CAR SPEED

150. void CHNSpeed(int wheelDIR, int wheelSpeed)

151. {

152. if(wheelDIR == 0X01) //LEFT WHEEL

153. {

154. motorL.setSpeed(wheelSpeed);

155. }

156. else if(wheelDIR == 0X02) //RIGHT WHEEL

157. {

158. motorR.setSpeed(wheelSpeed);

159. }

160. }


162. void servoSet(int servoNum, int pos)

163. {

164. if(pos > 180) pos = 160;

165. else if(pos < 0) pos = 0;

166. switch(servoNum)

167. {

168. case 0X07:

169. hand_t_servo.write(pos);

170. Serial.print("X");

171. Serial.print(pos);

172. break;

173. case 0X08:

174. hand_d_servo.write(pos);

175. Serial.print("Y");

176. Serial.print(pos);

177. break;

178. }

179. }

180. void setup()

181. {

182. Serial.begin(9600);

183. b_motor_stop();

184. b_servo_ini();

185. //delay(2000); //waiting time

186. Serial.println("Hello! Wifi Car");

187. }


189. void b_motor_stop(){

190. motorL.run(RELEASE);

191. motorR.run(RELEASE);

192. }


194. void b_servo_ini(){

195. hand_t_servo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

196. hand_d_servo.attach(10); // attaches the servo on pin 10 to the servo object

197. hand_t_servo.write(hand_t_pos);

198. hand_d_servo.write(hand_d_pos);

199. }