REGO Version 2019: the DIY Telepresence and Service Robot.
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REGO Version 2019: the DIY Telepresence and Service Robot.
I present to you the latest version of REGO, the DIY telepresence and service robot, that I make at home.
(discover the old version her : version 1, version 2 )
The objectif is to use existing technologies brick and combine them to create an avatar robot. This robot will allow us to see, hear, move and chat with people around the robot from a simple web browser, and hence from anywhere in the world.
This version contains the best consumer technology elements that can be found everywhere : Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Micro:bit, EZ-Robot. A 360 camera to see around the robot with a VR headset. The EZ-robot module that allows the recognition and tracking of faces.
Find the story of REGO on : and Follow on twitter the REGO designer on @fdw34.