Racing Animation
This animation, involves two hot wheels, cars, racing to see, who will win at the finish, its pretty intense!
Ideas That Were Processed
The ideas that I wanted to try were making at first a figure 8 track but, I thoguht I couldn't do it, didn't ahve the right amount of pieces and I would lost track of what goes where, so I decided to make an oval track since, it seemed simple and easy to do, and it actually worked out perfectly!
Making of the Process
The making of the racing, was quite fun during throughout the animation, I got to have some fun and just relax, it was quite a amazing instructable to do, the making was very easy, building the oval track and using two hot wheel cars, plain and simple!
Finishing Tocuhes
The finsihing touches were, just making sure, everything was in place and how it looked on screen while processing it into a video format