Rainbow Loom Ring
Hello!For today's 2nd instructable,I'm gonna show you how to make this fabulous ring!
You will need:
A loom
A hook
A bit of bands
Placing the Bands
Set up the loom to match the 1st photo.Then place the bands as shown in the pictures.Lastly,add a cap band.
Loop the diamond out line first.Then loop the center band.DO NOT loop the center band first.
Slip Knot
Push your hook through all the bands at the top and slip a band through them.It should look like the 4th photo.The slip one end of the band through the other and pull.Now it should look like the last photo.
Taking It Off the Loom
Pull it of the loom and shape it until you're happy.Now,slip your finger through the slip knot.You're done!Enjoy!