Random IP Generator
@echo off
title Rndm_IP_Gen v1.0 by The SYNer
color a
set one=%random%
if %one% gtr 255 goto rnd1
set two=%random%
if %two% gtr 255 goto rnd2
set three=%random%
if %three% gtr 255 goto rnd3
set four=%random%
if %four% gtr 255 goto rnd4
echo %one%.%two%.%three%.%four%
pause >nul
goto :rnd1
Copy everything between the *'s and paste into notepad and save as "Rndm_IP_Gen.bat"
@echo off
title Rndm_IP_Gen v1.0 by The SYNer
color a
set one=%random%
if %one% gtr 255 goto rnd1
set two=%random%
if %two% gtr 255 goto rnd2
set three=%random%
if %three% gtr 255 goto rnd3
set four=%random%
if %four% gtr 255 goto rnd4
echo %one%.%two%.%three%.%four%
pause >nul
goto :rnd1
Copy everything between the *'s and paste into notepad and save as "Rndm_IP_Gen.bat"
How to Use It
Its simple. Just open the file and press enter. The program will spit out a bunch of random ip adresses, but you will need to ping an adress to see if its online.