Raspberry Pi - Jack of All Trades.
by Computothought in Circuits > Raspberry Pi
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Raspberry Pi - Jack of All Trades.
it is not a good idea to run the raspberry pi off another computers usb port.
If you need a power adapter, consider: https://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-power-cable-adapter/
Another Arm based install: https://www.instructables.com/id/Give-your-Cisco-Linksys-NSLU2-some-muscle-part-1/ Yet another arm install is in the linux hints instructable.
Quickie monitor: https://www.instructables.com/id/McGuyver-monitor/
Note: if you ever want to get back to the first boot menu
$ sudo raspi-config
Network Setup.
Llater when you want to SSH into the unit it will make it easier. One thing to note is that you must use a username on the Raspberry Pi to log into it.
$ ssh pi@
better (use whatever name you set up for the raspberry pi in the router):
$ ssh pi@raspberrypi
Also see: https://www.instructables.com/id/Red-October-network-discovery/
Note: By using ssh means you do not have to leave a keyboard attached to the Raspberry Pi. Saves energy and less cables to deal with.
Debian Install Hints.
With the opening menu that comes up when you first run the image, be sure to enable ssh, set your time zone and CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD.
You want to get the system updated:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
It should take a while, but that is ok.
What kind of disk space do you have
$ df -h
What kind of memory do you have?
$ free
You may want to add some software package sets.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get tasksel
With tasksel, you have to be careful, Any item unchecked will remove that item if it is already installed. (i.e gui environment. For a headless server that is no big deal.
To install the web server just choose that option and ssh. The apache and sqllite will be installed. The sql is for postgresql for most debian versions and you may not need that for most things.
$ sudo tasksel
You will want to take advantage of the full space of your memory card. Generally it only used 2 gigabytes leaving the rest free, if your card holds more than 2 gigabytes. Programs like Gparted and stretch out the free space to take full advantage of the card. You will have to run gparted pon another machine. Do not forget to shut down the raspberry pi
before removing the memory card(s).
Normally the Debian linux install starts up with the text or command line environment. If you want to start up the gui use:
$ startx
You can make the gui the default start up mode but I recommend against it.
You will also want to install screen so you can detach remote sessions.
$ sudo apt-get install screen
For details see: https://www.instructables.com/id/linux-screen-play/
$ screen
Other linux instructables that can be of assistance:
Memory Useage.
Changing RaspberryPi RAM CPU:GPU Ratio
The Raspberry Pi comes with 256MB of RAM, included in the Broadcom BCM2835 System on chip, which also contains the CPU, GPU and DSP in the same package.
That 256MB of RAM is split between the CPU and GPU at boot time of the Pi, and by default is a 50:50 split, 128MB each. This works well for video decoding and 3D graphics, but if you know you won’t be using such graphically intensive applications, you can change this split to give the CPU a bit more.
To do so, you just need to copy the pre-made .elf files to the start.elf file in /boot, and reboot:
For 192MB for the CPU and 64MB for the GPU:
sudo cp /boot/arm192_start.elf /boot/start.elf
For 224MB for the CPU and 32MB for the GPU:
sudo cp /boot/arm224_start.elf /boot/start.elf
For the default equal split of 128MB for both CPU & GPU:
sudo cp /boot/arm128_start.elf /boot/start.elf
Minimal Web Server Hints:
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Go to your web browser and point it to the Raspberry Pi using port 8000
Alternatively, you could add a simple web page called index.html:
Hello, World!
Note This server is not secure so use carefully!
If you wanted something simple, but light you could also consider Nweb, Goto http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/systems/library/es-nweb/index.html for the details.
You can also install a light apache web server and sqilite with
$ sudo tasksel install web-server
For a blog install see: https://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-simple-blog-server/
Do not forget to check out: https://www.instructables.com/id/Web-related/
Write Your Own Programs!
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install vim
To edit a file:
$ nano filename.ext
#include <stdio.h> int main () { printf ("Hello World!\n"); } [/code] $ gcc helloworld.c -o hw $./hw Python[code]
print "Hello, World!";
$ python helloworld.py
You may want to keep all your executalbes in one place and not have to use the ./ prefix.
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=$PATH:~/bin
Move your programs to that directory.
$sudo mv hw ~/bin/.
Teaching Your Raspberry Pi to Talk.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
$ sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835
$ sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
You need to add some software:
$ sudo apt-get install festival espeak
Plug in the speakers.
You need to check the sound out put level with alsa mixer. Mine was set way low. Use the up arrow to increase the volume.
$ alsamixer
$ echo now is the time for all good men | festival --tts
Read a file out loud.
$ festival -tts index.html
More Information at: https://www.instructables.com/id/Text-to-speech-with-linux/
LTSP - Thin Client.
Go to http://www.berryterminal.com/doku.php/start and download the image zip
$ wget http://www.berryterminal.com/dl/berryterminal-20120602.zip
--2012-10-28 14:37:46-- http://www.berryterminal.com/dl/berryterminal-20120602.zip
Resolving www.berryterminal.com (www.berryterminal.com)...
Connecting to www.berryterminal.com (www.berryterminal.com)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 24450329 (23M) [application/zip]
Saving to: `berryterminal-20120602.zip'
100%[======================================>] 24,450,329 622K/s in 40s
2012-10-28 14:38:32 (592 KB/s) - `berryterminal-20120602.zip' saved [24450329/24450329]
Unzip it.
$ unzip berryterminal-20120602.zip
Archive: berryterminal-20120602.zip
inflating: berryterminal-20120602.img
extracting: berryterminal-20120602.img.md5
inflating: berryterminal-20120602.img.sha1
Copy it to your memory card (sudo dd if=berryterminal-20120602.img of=/dev/sd?)
In my case
$ sudo dd if=berryterminal-20120602.img of=/dev/sdb
Safely remove the card from your pc and insert it into the Raspberry Pi
Make sure your ltsp server is up and running. Connect the raspberry pi to the ltsp network and boot.
Bingo!! you have a thin client!
Booting with ltsp:
Media Player.
Installation Script on a took a while, but it completed without a hitch. Everything is menu driven and for the most part pretty straight forward. Using an old B&W tv for testing purposes. If you use an hdmi monitor, you have have to change some settings to work correctly. There is a menu to help with those settings. Weather detected the area of the isp and grabbed the weather info easily. Streamed music from the web from a nearby radio station without a hitch. Even supports local media streaming from upnp and other protocols. Streamed video from the usb stick. When the Mythtv server is back up, I will give you an update.
Somehow the memory card becamed foobarred, so I plan to reinstall raspbmc.
See: http://www.raspbmc.com/download/
Use the xbox remote: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=How-to:Wire_your_XBOX_DVD-Remote_for_USB
Follow this simple procedure:
Open the receiver's plastic case using a small screw driver. Carefully pry around the case. Solder the wire to the receiver using the picture below
Note: This might damage the casing of the dongle.
1 Color Coded Pinout
If you're using a standard USB cable you should just be able to match the colors and solder away, but to be sure check your cable with a continuity tester according to the USB spec provided here.
Red = Positive Power (+5V DC) White = Data - Green = Data + Yellow = Unused Black = Ground (0V DC)
2 Lirc Config
#Chosen Remote Control REMOTE="None" REMOTE_MODULES="lirc_atiusb lirc_dev" REMOTE_DRIVER="" REMOTE_DEVICE="/dev/lirc0" REMOTE_SOCKET="" REMOTE_LIRCD_CONF="" REMOTE_LIRCD_ARGS="-r"
#Enable lircd START_LIRCD="true"
#Don't start lircmd even if there seems to be a good config file #START_LIRCMD="false"
#Try to load appropriate kernel modules LOAD_MODULES="true"
# Default configuration files for your hardware if any LIRCMD_CONF="lircd.conf"
#Forcing noninteractive reconfiguration #If lirc is to be reconfigured by an external application #that doesn't have a debconf frontend available, the noninteractive #frontend can be invoked and set to parse REMOTE and TRANSMITTER #It will then populate all other variables without any user input #If you would like to configure lirc via standard methods, be sure #to leave this set to "false" FORCE_NONINTERACTIVE_RECONFIGURATION="true" START_LIRCMD="" /etc/lirc/lircd.conf:
# brand: Microsoft Xbox DVD Receiever (also works with generic) # remote control: Xbox remote or any remote using RCA DVD player codes
begin remote
name XboxDVDDongle bits 8 eps 30 aeps 100
one 0 0 zero 0 0 gap 163983 toggle_bit_mask 0x0
begin codes LEFT 0xA9 UP 0xA6 RIGHT 0xA8 DOWN 0xA7 SELECT 0x0B 1 0xCE 2 0xCD 3 0xCC 4 0xCB 5 0xCA 6 0xC9 7 0xC8 8 0xC7 9 0xC6 0 0xCF MENU 0xF7 DISPLAY 0xD5 REVERSE 0xE2 FORWARD 0xE3 PLAY 0xEA PAUSE 0xE6 STOP 0xE0 SKIP- 0xDD SKIP+ 0xDF TITLE 0xE5 INFO 0xC3 BACK 0xD8 end codes
end remote If using the Xbox DVD IR dongle, add this line to the bottom of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf:
blacklist xpad
Note: With the latest raspbmc network install, I had to change the default sound output from hdmi to analog/You also may want to change the screen demensions. Not hard to do, but if you have not done it before, it can be a little scarry. Took a couple of tries for the raspxbmc to see my firefly music server, then it worked well. Local area network files work fine. Off network was a bit slow in loading, but still played at normal speed.. i.e. youtube
All for Now.
To power down, there are several ways, but I like:
$ sudo poweroff
Check out: https://www.instructables.com/id/Linux-themed-instructables/
Gpio Connector Cable:
Note: Looks better than using a disk drive cable.
Update: Went to the local electronics store and bought a 26 pin adapter and used some unused ribbon from an old drive cable.
Security Camera Server.
Let's get your system up to date (might take a while if you have not updated very recently).
$ sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Now let's install Motion
$ sudo apt-get install motion.
Does the RPi see your camera? (aka list usb devices attached.)
$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 046d:08a9 Logitech, Inc. Notebook Deluxe
if not, you may need to get a more mainstream camera. usually Logitech sets the standard. I just used a cheap refurbished knickoff. Your output will vary..
Do a liittle configuration:
$ sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf
In here there are a few basic changes that you need to perform:
- Daemon = OFF to ON
- webcam_localhost = ON to OFF
You can change other settings but it’s recommend you don’t take more than 2 frames, and you been the default frame pixel size, for stability.
To ensure that the motion service will actually start as a daemon we need to change another configuration setting, so enter the following:
sudo nano /etc/default/motion
Then change the value “start_motion_daemon=no” to “yes”
Let's get started:
Finally you can start the motion service to stream the web cam images
sudo service motion start
Then after about 30 seconds browse to the new web interface, which should be at the below URL (where is your Raspberry PI’s IP address yours may vary)
Hint: if you do not have direct access to your RPi, you can use https://www.instructables.com/id/Red-October-network-discovery/ to find iit on the network Frequently I will hook up the RPi to the network without a keyboard, mouse, or monitor and then remote into the unit,
for more information see: http://www.lavrsen.dk/foswiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome
Note if you want to use an ipcamera it is easy but you have to know about the camera. I ended up going to the zoneminder wiki and found the answer for my camera. Setup is the same, but you have to add two lines to motion.conf.
netcam_userpass user:password
For us it was:
netcam_userpass user:password
Use Other Systems As a Teminal.
To access the raspberry pi, you will need to install a vnc server or use xrdp:
$ sudo apt-get install xrdp.
Note the gui does not need to be running on the raspberry pi. Better if it is not.
New Installer!
Simple Electronics Example.
The Raspberry Pi per se does not have analog ports like the Arduino. though you can get converters that can be attached to the gpio or use an r2r setup. To light an led, you will need to use at least two pins. A gpio and a ground pin. You will also need an led and an appropriate resistor. Once you master these simple steps you can additional electronics and control quite a few things. Remember the gpio only uses very low voltage. Additional safety circuitry is needed for other projects.
Note: you can use jumper wires from older computers if you do not need to use the whole header.
old version ----------- # Turn light on cd /sys/class/gpio # Turn on pin but defaults to low. echo 17 > export # Set port direction in this case we aredoing output. echo out > gpio17/direction # Set pin high and turn on led. echo 1 > gpio17/value #Turn light offecho 0 > gpio17/value ----------------------------------- New version: You have to use the full path with commands.
# Turn light on cd /sys/class/gpio # Turn on pin but defaults to low. echo "17" > /sys/class/gpio/export # Set port direction in this case we aredoing output. echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction # Set pin high and turn on led. echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value #Turn light off
echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value
================================ Using a button
Controlling the LED with the button
Now let's put input and output together, and use the state of the button to turn the LED on or off.
The RPi has only one ground pin which you need to connect both the LED circuit and the button circuit to. If you have an M/M wire, you can easily do this by connecting the -
column to ground like we did with the LED. If not, it might seem like there isn't space to have a resistor, a wire connected to ground, and the button all in one group of five columns. But to make extra space, you can place the button bridging the gap in the middle of the breadboard.
One possible configuration has:
- Wires connecting pin 3 to
, 6 to9j
and 11 to1f
. - The LED connecting
) to2g
). - The resistor connecting
. - The button in terminals
With that set up, you can have the LED light up as long as the button is not pressed:
while true; do
cat gpio0/value > gpio17/value
(Use control-C to interrupt this and return to a prompt.) Or as long as the button is pressed:
while true; do
read val < gpio0/value
echo $(( ! val )) > gpio17/value
Or to toggle the LED every time the button is pressed:
while true; do
read val < gpio0/value
if (( val == 0 && last == 1 )); then
read state < gpio17/value
echo $(( ! state )) > gpio17/value
(This last one makes use of the fact that if you try to read an output pin, it tells you its current value.)
If that all worked, congratulations! Now you should probably install an actual GPIO library, and turn your mind to more interesting projects.
People are now writing code to control servos with your Rpi:
See http://code.google.com/p/raspberry-gpio-python/wiki/PWM
Finally have the parts for the desktop based pc. coming soon.
AT case (Not ATX) with AT PS (An ATX PS and case coould be adapted. https://www.instructables.com/id/Atx-to-At-ps-test-cable/)
Motherboard connectors for AT PS (MOdify an extsion cable or desolder from an old at motherboard.)
Several plain blades (some people call them tongues) for slot covers
1 - Female rca mounting
1 - Old stereo mini-plug cable
1 - rca mono cable
1 stereo cable
1 or more Taspberry Pi(s in a case (just one in this case.)
2 female ethernet adapter
1 backplane from on old unused ethernet card (have to use a dremel tool for the female adapter to and then super glue.)
1 unused ethernet cable to cut and splice into the female ehternet adapter.
Startedthe power cable, but not testeed.
Started making the audio/video blade for the back of the personal computer aka p.c. need to solder connections.
1 stereo cable > 1 - Old stereo mini-plug cable
1 - rca mono cable > 1 - Female rca mounting
1 ethernet cable > 1 female ethernet jack.glued into a blade.
So happy that I can run even if it is an old version of freebasic on the Raspberry Pi. Freebasic is a lot like but not exactly like qbasic. The first thing I did was to port a spreadsheet to the unit.
First thing I did was to download the tarball and the extract it.
$ tar xvf fbc-0.91.0-pi-debian.tar.gz
Install it.
$ sudo ./install.sh -i
And lastly install a few goodies to make the install complete.
$ sudo apt-get install libxext-dev libncurses5-dev libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxrandr-dev libstdc++6-4.4-dev
You should be able to write a test program to see if the install worked.
In an editor, type a simple program. vim test,bas
PRINT "hello!"
Compile it
$ fbc test.bas
Run it.
$ ./test hello!
The is more to it than that but that is a quickie starter.
Rpi 2
Stacking the newer rpi's.