Hi everybody!
We have done a handheld rechargable retro console based on arduino, using some 8x8 led matrix and max7219 drivers, hardware, software and firmware designed by us. We are Electronics systems engineering students.
This project was for 'Creative Electronics', a Beng Electronics Engineering 4th year module at the University of Málaga, School of Telecommunications (
Here you have a tiny video of how it works:
*/RetroDuino BOM\*
1x AtMega 238P-PU
3x MAX7219
2x Red LED Matrx 8x8 (2088)
1x LiPo Battery 3.7V
1x Lipo charge circuit
1x DC-DC boost
capacitors DIP sockets(opcional)
6x buttons 3D printed SHELL 4digit 7seg Display
74ls08 for buttons
Atmega Onboard
before build the circuitboard we have to program a botloader and upload a first skech,
following this tutorials you will do it easy :)
Hardware Assembly
Once we have the components, next step is build our hardware on a coppered Board ( the PCB is working in progress ) :
First Step: Check dimmensions, the 3D printed Shell is designed for a 70x91mm copered board:
Second Step: Buttons Board has an especial Desing, you will have to cut it with this dimenssions:
We will need a AND gate for Buttons Rutine:
Third Step: Mount Components over your board and prepare your soldering tools for the 4th step :)
Now, you have to 3Dprint the shell, here you have the youmagine link:
Here you can download the complete FreeCad project: GitHub Link
and youmagine STL:link
Now following the scheme you have to build the complete hardware
take all your pieces and lets build the console! :)
with a FDTI programer or another arduino board you can program your new console with a tetris
for program the arduino:
Select the correct board, arduino uno on board 8Mhz internal clock.
Follow This Project
hope you like this project, you can follow this project for hardware and software improvements.
we want program more games for this projet as the conway's game of life.