Return to the Moon - AGC in FPGA
Project description:
It's integrate the whole original Apollo Guidance Computer into the one chip design FPGA. Lunar Lander On-board Guidance, Navigation and Control. I choose for this project the Digilent Cmod A7 Artix-7 FPGA platform.
This today to do a kid game already... but up to a certain point. More than 50 years ago, in the early 1960s, Hardware: 2800 ICs, dual three-input NOR gates, 2K magnetic core RAM, 36K core rope ROM In total, software development on the project comparised 1400 person-years of effort, I have 4 month for this work. This is not only a replica, or simulator, but an operational prototype, what is able to drive a fed trajectory of flying data off from an Earth orbit one robotic Lunar Module landing on the surface of the Moon.
Original AGC (Apollo Guidance Computer) in the Apollo spaceship
Face of DSKY
(DiSplay&KeYboard, pronounced 'DISS-key')
draw with FreeCAD
one digit 7-segment LED driver electronic,
draw with KiCad (free)
... electronic components for Display
switch from used keyboard,
new 3D printed, moulded cup
48-pin DIP form factor board built around a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA
It can integrate programmable logic design directly into a solderless breadboard circuit.
At just 0.7” by 2.75”
The board also includes a USB-JTAG programming circuit, USB-UART bridge, clock source, Pmod host connector, SRAM, Quad-SPI Flash, and basic I/O devices.
The Cmod A7 is fully compatible with the high-performance Xilinx Vivado® Design Suite.
System Features
o 512KB SRAM with an 8-bit bus and 8ns access times o 4MB Quad-SPI Flash o USB-JTAG Programming Circuitry o Powered from USB or external 3.3-5.5V supply connected to DIP pins. System Connectivity o USB-UART bridge. Interaction and Sensory Devices o 2 LEDs o 1 RGB LED o 2 Push Buttons. Expansion Connectors o 48-pin DIP connector with 44 Digital I/O and 2 Analog inputs (0-3.3V) o One Pmod connector with 8 Digital I/O
Original Apollo 11 guidance computer (AGC) source code for Command Module (Comanche055) and Lunar Module (Luminary099)
Copyright: Public domain.
Logic Diagram
Return to the Moon - AGC in FPGA