Rising Character
This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida (www.makecourse.com)
1x Arduino Uno
1x Linear Stepper Motor
1x Breadboard
1X Resistors: 10KOhms
1x: Arduino USB Cable or 9V Battery with Connector
1x IR Remote
1x IR Receiver
3D Printed Parts
Assorted Wires
Arduino Code
The Arduino Uno was selected for the project. The code provided below has commented explanations of used functions. Its structure defines the stepper motor and instructs it to rotate the linear lead screw clockwise or counterclockwise. The code may be altered to allow different hexadecimal values from an IR remote or to increase/decrease the stepper motor's speed. The stepper and wire libraries of the Arduino were utilized along with the IRremote library that is provided.
Control System
The control system requires an IR receiver as an input and a linear stepper motor as an output. The IR receiver will recognize a signal and deliver it to the Arduino to read as a hexadecimal value. The linear stepper motor can be instructed to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. A stepper motor operates on magnets so the wiring will depend on the motor's inner windings. The motor utilized in this project is a bipolar stepper motor, so it only has four wires and does not have a ground. A motor shield is capable of being incorporated in the design if needed.
3D Printing
The full set of 3D printed files is provided. The components have distinct holes in a few sections due to an option to retract and release the forearms. This option was ignored, so that the character could rotate at the apex of its climb. The Shoulder, Forearm, and Calf pieces need to be printed twice. The lid platform holds the linear stepper motor allowing the lead screw enough space for downward motion. Each component needs to be loose fitting enough, so friction does not impede the character's movement.
WARNING: Altering files or filing down printed components may be needed. The type of plastic as well as the accuracy of the 3D printer can alter the resulting components.
Project Assembly
Once the components are assembled, the character just needs to be placed upon the lead screw. The head component has a hole on the bottom for this purpose. The lead screw will need to be snugly fit so that it has friction to keep it still. This will ensure that the lead screw has linear motion. The final appearance can be painted in any fashion; however, sanding may be needed to have a suitable surface. A demonstration of the project is provided.