I made a robot that walks with Jansen's mechanism and uses ordinary materials. The Jansen's linkage is a leg mechanism designed by the kinetic sculptor Theo Jansen to simulate a smooth walking motion.
- A4 cardboard
- Scissors
- Glue
- Hot glue (optinal)
- Tooth picks
- Drinking straws
- AA battery holder
- AA Batteries
- On/Off switch or 3 position switch with 6 pins
- Wires
- Electrical terminal connectors
- Bicycle spokes (or hard wire)
- metal washers
- 6V gearmotor(about 60rpm)
- Galvanized plate (about 10 x 10 cm)
- MechaRobo assistant (optional)
Cut a rectangular plate about 10 x 5 cm and fix gearmotor with an U shape bridge on it
Solder two bike spoke on base, the distance between spokes must be 8.5 cm. The rotary shaft of gearmotor must be about 8 mm over the base.
Legs (segment A)
- Download pattern
- Print pattern on the cardboard
- Cut A segment, fold and glue as shown
Legs (segment B)
- Cut B segment, fold and glue as shown
- Use three tooth picks for the reinforcement moving part
- Cut F segment, fold and glue. use two metal washers for reinforcement
- Puch F segment and fix to B Segment as shown
Legs (segment C)
- Cut C segment and fold
- Puch and make a hole
- Place and keep a drinking straws in hole and glue as shown
Legs (segment D)
Cut D segment, fold and glue as shown.
Connecting Segments
- Connect segments A,B,C and D together
- Use two strip to connect segment B to other segments
- Make other three legs
Tail Base
- Cut a rectangular plate about 10 x 2 cm
- Solder three electrical termial connectors on the base
- Use a bike spoke to make crankshaft
- Make crankshaft straight as possible
Pass crackshaft through the hole of washers as shown on picture
Connecting Legs to Gearmotor
- Use an electrical terminal connector to connect crankshaft to gearmotor
- Connect tail base to bike spokes and Screw it
- Dont screw crackshaft to tail base
- Fix battery holder on tail base with glue
- Wiring battery holder, gearmotor and switch as shown
- If you want bi-directional movement, you can use a 3 position switch with 6 pins instead of on/off switch.
Bi-directional wiring:
- Connect pin 1 to pin 6
- Connect pin 2 to pin 5
- Connect pin 1 to battery (+)
- Connect pin 2 to battery (-)
- Connect pin 3 and 4 to gearmotor
The Auxiliary Legs
If batteries and gearmotor is too heavy, you can use 4 hard wires for auxiliary legs.
These legs are used for better movement and balancing
Finish Off
you can customize your robot as you want.
I got my idea from:
other refrence: