
by Rotam in Workshop > 3D Printing

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We are building silicone cover solutions to prevent water from damaging electronics in power wheelchairs. We are a team of 4, comprised of 2 technical business students, a computer science major and a very talented industrial designer.

Finding an Opportunity


Our journey began when we were introduced to Ryan, a recent UIUC graduate and power wheelchair user himself. We heard unbelievable stories of his multi-thousand-dollar machine simply powering off in the rain because of circuit leakage - and we could not believe it. Ryan resorted to literally using a ziploc bag to protect the electronics and avoid being stuck helplessly in the rain, banking on kind pedestrians to assist him in getting under a roof. It didn’t take us long to commit to embarking on this semester long design challenge, and trying to help Ryan find a sustainable way to stay dry in the rain.

Scan Area Needed for Protection


You will first need access to an iPad and a Structure Sensor. Download a 3D scanning app for Structure Sensor from the iPad app store. Finally start capturing precise 3D models instantly. Check out Structure Sensor Tutorial App linked below for some great scanning tips.

A few tips being:

-Scan things at a comfortable height

-Give yourself 360 degrees of access to the object you are trying to capture

-Scan 1 meter from subject

Print 3D Scan of Arm and Joystick


Thanks to the accuracy of the 3D scanned replica of the powerwheel chair arm and joystick a form fitted skin could be made by using the information from the Structure Sensor. Most applicaitons you will use to capture the 3D information will output a file that is compatable with Fusion 360. Import the file to Fusion and create a two part mold with holes where youll want the silicone injected.