Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg created by:
Tommy Tidstrom
Jordan Wernert
Trenton Davis
Adalee Ingle
Nia Tomes
Candle Is Lit
We light our small candle which will be placed under fishing line to burn the fishing line which starts our Rube Goldberg.
The String Then Allows the Pulley System to Fall Onto the Dominos
Once the string is burnt, our pulley system activates and a cup filled with rocks falls onto dominoes.
Dominos Fall Onto the Tire Pushing It
The dominoes and hit a tire which rolls into more dominoes that starts more chain reactions.
The Ball Rolls Into the Dominoes at the Other End
From here the tire hits the next set of dominoes that we have placed.
Dominoes Split Into 2 Paths
The dominoes that were hit by the rolling tire split off into two paths for different outcomes on both sides.
Spiked Domino Hits Balloon Filled With Beads
There is a domino with a needle taped to it, this domino pops a balloon filled with beads and the beads start another chain reaction.
Pipe Leads Beads Into Boat
The beads from the balloon fall into the PVC pipe and the pipe leads into a boat in water.
Boat Sinks
The boat is the to heavy for the water and the boat sinks and the water falls out of its container.
Dominoes Fall Into the Marble Waiting at Top of Coaster
While the boat is sinking, the dominoes hit a marble that is previously placed at the top of a roller coaster.
Coaster Happens
The marble then runs through the coaster.
Light Comes On
The marble hit the dominoes at the bottom of the coaster and the dominoes fall to complete a circuit and the light bulb turns on.