SUPER Hidden Files/Folders
Hi, I'm new, so don't get cranky if I stuff it all up. This Instructable is much better than all of the rest! This method uses batch to hide files. The hidden files are completely search-proof. (i.e even if you search for them, no results will come up.)
Hi, I'm new, so don't get cranky if I stuff it all up. This Instructable is much better than all of the rest! This method uses batch to hide files. The hidden files are completely search-proof. (i.e even if you search for them, no results will come up.)
Creating the Program
O.k. Open up notepad. Copy the following into notepad:
@echo OFF
title Super Hidden Files Creator - By James
echo Password...
set/p "com=>"
if %com%==unlock goto ALLOW
echo WRONG!
echo Choose Your Fate...
echo 1. ???
echo 2. Delete all of your documents.
echo Type 1 or 2
pause >nul
shutdown -im -r
goto End
color C
color 7
echo Name of the folder
set/p "fol=>"
if EXIST %fol% goto SELECT
if notEXIST %fol% GOTO notfound
ECHO File Not FOund
goto End
echo Hide/Unhide [h/u]
set/p "com=>"
if %com%==h goto HIDE
if %com%==u goto UNHIDE
attrib %fol% +s +h
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==unlock goto FAIL
attrib %fol% -s -h
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto End
@echo OFF
title Super Hidden Files Creator - By James
echo Password...
set/p "com=>"
if %com%==unlock goto ALLOW
echo WRONG!
echo Choose Your Fate...
echo 1. ???
echo 2. Delete all of your documents.
echo Type 1 or 2
pause >nul
shutdown -im -r
goto End
color C
color 7
echo Name of the folder
set/p "fol=>"
if EXIST %fol% goto SELECT
if notEXIST %fol% GOTO notfound
ECHO File Not FOund
goto End
echo Hide/Unhide [h/u]
set/p "com=>"
if %com%==h goto HIDE
if %com%==u goto UNHIDE
attrib %fol% +s +h
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==unlock goto FAIL
attrib %fol% -s -h
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto End
Finally save it and change the file extension (.txt) to .bat
Open it up, type in 'unlock' without the quotes. After it comes up with ACCESS GRANTED, type in the file that you want to hide. (the file must not have any spaces, and the batch file that you just created must be in the same folder/Directory as the file you want to hide). Once you have typed in the name of the file that you want to hide (and pressed enter), type h and press enter.
To Unhide...
Open up the batch file, get to the area where it says name of file. Type the file that you hid and press u.
P.S. I have had a comment asking for help. I cannot help you or anyone else who asks. You can download the program and follow on using this step.
Open it up, type in 'unlock' without the quotes. After it comes up with ACCESS GRANTED, type in the file that you want to hide. (the file must not have any spaces, and the batch file that you just created must be in the same folder/Directory as the file you want to hide). Once you have typed in the name of the file that you want to hide (and pressed enter), type h and press enter.
To Unhide...
Open up the batch file, get to the area where it says name of file. Type the file that you hid and press u.
P.S. I have had a comment asking for help. I cannot help you or anyone else who asks. You can download the program and follow on using this step.