Safety Box in Sandbox

by vinithkannan in Circuits > Electronics

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Safety Box in Sandbox


The main concern of working parents is their child's safety. Right from morning to evening when the child is away from home or parents, it is really a test of patience to worry and pray for the safety of the children.

Thinking over it, here's my instructables on deploying a 'Safety box in Sandbox' using Mediatek LinkIt One.

Just drop in the LinkIt One in the child's bag and that's it. The child can be monitored anywhere and everywhere from just a click away in the Mediatek Cloud Sandbox mobile application.

Download Mobile Application

  • Of course, Mediatek LinkIt One with its well-served features of being offered with GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth, SD Cards, MP3/AAC Audio, GNSS and WiFi, the wearable based devices is well within the making.
  • On getting started with LinkIt One, follow the link:

  • Download the application from the link as follows:

  • Connect the GPS and WiFi antennae to the LinkIt One.

Install LinkitOne SDK in Arduino IDE

New Picture.bmp
  • Now we have to install LinkitOne SDK in the Boards Manager of the Arduino SDK.
  • Follow the instructions in the following web link :

Upload Arduino Code in Arduino IDE

// Safety box in Sandbox
//Header files required

//If not available, make sure to find them in Github repositories

#include "LGPRS.h"

#include "LGPRSClient.h"

#include "LGPRSServer.h"

#include "LGPS.h"

#include "HttpClient.h"

#include "LTask.h"

#include "LWiFi.h"

#include "LWiFiClient.h"

#include "LDateTime.h"

//Customize the data needed as per your specifications

#define WIFI_AP "your wifi name"

#define WIFI_PASSWORD "your wifi password"

#define DEVICEID "your device id"

#define DEVICEKEY "your device key"

#define SITE_URL ""


#define per 50

#define per1 3

gpsSentenceInfoStruct info; char buff[256]; double latitude; double longitude; double spd; char buffer_latitude[8]; char buffer_longitude[8]; char buffer_spd[8]; char buffer_sensor[8]; static unsigned char getComma(unsigned char num,const char *str) { unsigned char i,j = 0; int len=strlen(str); for(i = 0;i < len;i ++) { if(str[i] == ',') j++; if(j == num) return i + 1; } return 0; } static double getDoubleNumber(const char *s) { char buf[10]; unsigned char i; double rev; i=getComma(1, s); i = i - 1; strncpy(buf, s, i); buf[i] = 0; rev=atof(buf); return rev; } static double getIntNumber(const char *s) { char buf[10]; unsigned char i; double rev; i=getComma(1, s); i = i - 1; strncpy(buf, s, i); buf[i] = 0; rev=atoi(buf); return rev; } //Esssential part of code //GPS data processing //Determining quantities latitude,longitude and speed void parseDPAS(const char* DPASstr) { int tmp, hour, minute, second, num ; if(DPASstr[0] == '$') { tmp = getComma(1, DPASstr); hour = (DPASstr[tmp + 0] - '0') * 10 + (DPASstr[tmp + 1] - '0'); minute = (DPASstr[tmp + 2] - '0') * 10 + (DPASstr[tmp + 3] - '0'); second = (DPASstr[tmp + 4] - '0') * 10 + (DPASstr[tmp + 5] - '0'); sprintf(buff, "UTC timer %2d-%2d-%2d", hour, minute, second); tmp = getComma(2, DPASstr); latitude = getDoubleNumber(&DPASstr[tmp])/100.0; int latitude_int=floor(latitude); double latitude_decimal=(latitude-latitude_int)*100.0/60.0; latitude=latitude_int+latitude_decimal; tmp = getComma(4, DPASstr); longitude = getDoubleNumber(&DPASstr[tmp])/100.0; int longitude_int=floor(longitude); double longitude_decimal=(longitude-longitude_int)*100.0/60.0; longitude=longitude_int+longitude_decimal; sprintf(buff, "latitude = %10.4f, longitude = %10.4f", latitude, longitude); tmp = getComma(7, DPASstr); spd = getDoubleNumber(&DPASstr[tmp]); sprintf(buff, "speed = %F", spd); } else { Serial.println("Not get data"); } } void recdat() { LGPS.getData(&info); //Serial.println((char*)info.DPAS); parseDPAS((const char*)info.DPAS); } //AP connection void AP_connect() { Serial.print("Connecting to AP..."); while (0 == LWiFi.connect(WIFI_AP, LWiFiLoginInfo(WIFI_AUTH, WIFI_PASSWORD))) { Serial.print("."); delay(500); } Serial.println("Success!"); Serial.print("Connecting site...");

while (!drivepar.connect(SITE_URL, 80)) { Serial.print("."); delay(500); } Serial.println("Success!"); delay(100); } void getconnectInfo() { drivepar.print("GET /mcs/v2/devices/"); drivepar.print(DEVICEID); drivepar.println("/connections.csv HTTP/1.1"); drivepar.print("Host: "); drivepar.println(SITE_URL); drivepar.print("deviceKey: "); drivepar.println(DEVICEKEY); drivepar.println("Connection: close"); drivepar.println(); delay(500); int errorcount = 0; Serial.print("waiting for HTTP response..."); while (!drivepar.available()) { Serial.print("."); errorcount += 1; delay(150); } Serial.println(); int err = http.skipResponseHeaders(); int bodyLen = http.contentLength(); char c; int ipcount = 0; int count = 0; int separater = 0; while (drivepar) { int v = (int); if (v != -1) { c = v; //Serial.print(c); connection_info[ipcount]=c; if(c==',') separater=ipcount; ipcount++; } else { Serial.println("no more content, disconnect"); drivepar.stop(); } } int i; for(i=0;i } void connectTCP() { c.stop(); Serial.print("Connecting to TCP..."); while (0 == c.connect(ip, portnum)) { Serial.println("Re-Connecting to TCP"); delay(1000); } c.println(tcpdata); c.println(); Serial.println("Success!"); } void heartBeat() { Serial.println("send TCP heartBeat"); c.println(tcpdata); c.println(); } void uploadstatus() { while (!drivepar.connect(SITE_URL, 80)) { Serial.print("."); delay(500); } delay(100); if(digitalRead(13)==1) upload_led = "ENGINE_MODE_DISPLAY,,1"; else upload_led = "ENGINE_MODE_DISPLAY,,0"; int thislength = upload_led.length(); HttpClient http(drivepar); drivepar.print("POST /mcs/v2/devices/"); drivepar.print(DEVICEID); drivepar.println("/datapoints.csv HTTP/1.1"); drivepar.print("Host: "); drivepar.println(SITE_URL); drivepar.print("deviceKey: "); drivepar.println(DEVICEKEY); drivepar.print("Content-Length: "); drivepar.println(thislength); drivepar.println("Content-Type: text/csv"); drivepar.println("Connection: close"); drivepar.println(); drivepar.println(upload_led); delay(500);

int errorcount = 0; while (!drivepar.available()) { Serial.print("."); delay(100); } int err = http.skipResponseHeaders(); int bodyLen = http.contentLength(); while (drivepar) { int v =; if (v != -1) { Serial.print(char(v)); } else { Serial.println("no more content, disconnect"); drivepar.stop(); } } Serial.println(); } //Data streaming to Mediatek Cloud Sandbox void transdat(){ while (!drivepar.connect(SITE_URL, 80)) { Serial.print("."); delay(500); } delay(100); float sensor = analogRead(A0); Serial.printf("latitude=%.4f\tlongitude=%.4f\tspd=%.4f\tsensor=%.4f\n",latitude,longitude,spd,sensor); if(latitude>-90 && latitude<=90 && longitude>=0 && longitude<360) { sprintf(buffer_latitude, "%.4f", latitude); sprintf(buffer_longitude, "%.4f", longitude); sprintf(buffer_spd, "%.4f", spd); sprintf(buffer_sensor, "%.4f", sensor); } String upload_GPS = "GPS,,"+String(buffer_latitude)+","+String(buffer_longitude)+","+String(buffer_spd)+","+String(buffer_sensor)+","+"0"+"\n"+"LATITUDE,,"+buffer_latitude+"\n"+"LONGITUDE,,"+buffer_longitude+"\n"+"SPEED,,"+buffer_spd+"\n"+"STEERING_ANGLE,,"+buffer_sensor; int GPS_length = upload_GPS.length(); HttpClient http(drivepar); drivepar.print("POST /mcs/v2/devices/"); drivepar.print(DEVICEID); drivepar.println("/datapoints.csv HTTP/1.1"); drivepar.print("Host: "); drivepar.println(SITE_URL); drivepar.print("deviceKey: "); drivepar.println(DEVICEKEY); drivepar.print("Content-Length: "); drivepar.println(GPS_length); drivepar.println("Content-Type: text/csv"); drivepar.println("Connection: close"); drivepar.println(); drivepar.println(upload_GPS); delay(500);

int errorcount = 0; while (!drivepar.available()) { Serial.print("."); delay(100); } int err = http.skipResponseHeaders(); int bodyLen = http.contentLength(); while (drivepar) { int v =; if (v != -1) { Serial.print(char(v)); } else { Serial.println("no more content, disconnect"); drivepar.stop(); } } Serial.println(); } LGPRSClient c; unsigned int rtc; unsigned int lrtc; unsigned int rtc1; unsigned int lrtc1; char port[4]={0}; char connection_info[21]={0}; char ip[15]={0}; int portnum; int val = 0; String tcpdata = String(DEVICEID) + "," + String(DEVICEKEY) + ",0"; String tcpcmd_led_on = "ENGINE_MODE_CONTROL,1"; String tcpcmd_led_off = "ENGINE_MODE_CONTROL,0"; String upload_led; LGPRSClient drivepar; HttpClient http(drivepar); //Setup void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); LTask.begin(); LWiFi.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); LGPS.powerOn(); AP_connect(); getconnectInfo(); connectTCP(); Serial.println("..."); } //Loop void loop() { String tcpcmd=""; while (c.available()) { int v =; if (v != -1) { Serial.print((char)v); tcpcmd += (char)v; if (tcpcmd.substring(40).equals(tcpcmd_led_on)){ digitalWrite(13, HIGH); Serial.print("Switch LED ON "); tcpcmd=""; } else if(tcpcmd.substring(40).equals(tcpcmd_led_off)){ digitalWrite(13, LOW); Serial.print("Switch LED OFF"); tcpcmd=""; } } } LDateTime.getRtc(&rtc); if ((rtc - lrtc) >= per) { heartBeat(); lrtc = rtc; } LDateTime.getRtc(&rtc1); if ((rtc1 - lrtc1) >= per1) { uploadstatus(); recdat(); transdat(); lrtc1 = rtc1; } }

Create Prototype, Data Channel and Test Device

New Picture (2).bmp
  • Now, create a prototype with the following information.
  • Any name can be used and I am using here in accordance with my project development.
  • Click Save
  • Now lets begin creating data channels
  • Create data channel for GPS as shown in picture.

  • Finally, click 'Create Test Device' on the right top portion and enter the following information.

But just before you begin, make sure you are registered on the portal:

View the Status in Mobile Application

  • View the status of child's location in mobile application.
  • That's cool ! Do send your child to school, tours, playground with just a Mediatek LinkIt One in his/her bag or pocket.
  • Thanks to LinkitOne and Mediatek Cloud Sandbox, your child's safety is well ensured and assured !