Safety Pin Bracelet
Get rid of those safety pins lying around the house and create a cool, quick and easy bracelet .
Things You Will Need
Safety pins- around 100 this changes depending on the size of your wrist ( I used a slight assortment in sizes but mainly used small gold ones)
Beads of any sort
Sequins (I used some on my bracelet to make it more sparkly)
Elastic - clear, stretchy and as strong as possible ( It doesn't really matter what the elastic looks like just as long as its strong )
Beads of any sort
Sequins (I used some on my bracelet to make it more sparkly)
Elastic - clear, stretchy and as strong as possible ( It doesn't really matter what the elastic looks like just as long as its strong )
Beads Onto the Pins
Its as simple as it looks . Just open the safety pins and put as many beads as you can or want onto the pins and close them.
You might want to clamp the ends of the pins with a pair of pliers so the pin doesn't open whilst you're wearing it.
You might want to clamp the ends of the pins with a pair of pliers so the pin doesn't open whilst you're wearing it.
Thread the Beads Onto the Elastic
Thread the pins onto the elastic through the round loop at the end of the safety pin.
Tie Up the End of Your Bracelet and You're Done !
Make sure you have the size of your bracelet right and tie the end up tight to make sure it won't undo.
Hope you enjoy .
Hope you enjoy .