Satisfying Paper Firework Toy
you will need 2 sheets of printing paper a centimetre ruler a working pencil scissors and glue, bottled will work but i personally prefer glue sticks.
measure 8, cetimeter squares with ruler and pencil. You might need both sheets of paper.You can click on the image to clarify and zoom in. Once done with that make 7 more squares, tell you finally have 8 in all then cut out all the squares with scissors.
first fold in half horizontally next fold in half vertically open up so you see a 2 line intersection fol any corner to the middle then fol then corner right next fold it tell it has the 2 triangles at the top then fold in other corners to make an x
...out of 4 triangles unfold the triangles then unfold the triangles and fold smaller triangles onto the bigger triangle crease line fold all small corners onto bigger triangle creases then grab the square edges and fold to a jewel-like shape once done with jewel like shape then flip over and fold the triangles onto the crossed crease like you did previously.Then flip over again and see that their is small triangles on all the edges. Then grab to diagonal corners pull the outward then flatten. then open to a taco like shape and pull the other corners. then flatten so theirs to flaps on each side. Now your finished! Just kidding you have to make 7 more. then go onto the next step
get one and place glue on the top then place another heart on top then hold for 3 seconds keep doing this untell you have all 8 hearts on top of each other the glue end to end.make sure both hearts are pointing the same way.
next step...
hold with thumbs on top and other fingers on the bottom then push downwards with thumbs.
the End for real this time
no just kidding