Saxophone Keys for Regev
Our project deals with fulfilling a dream to play the saxophone with a substantial limitation in the right hand.
specifically for a saxophone type Antigua xip.
we designed 5 components:
the first component concerns the connection to the fingers keys of the finger, the forearm and the ring finger. it is produced three times for each of the fingers.
The second component concerns a permanent connection that sat on the right pinky key and then we will connect on it the right pinky key.
the third component works in the same way as the second component but for the left pinky key whice has a different shape.
the fourth component concerns the right key of the little finger and the connection to the component and the interface between it and the little finger.
the fifth component works the same way as the fourth component but for the left pinky key.
This will allow the user to play the saxophone ideally despite his right handed limitation.
This project was done during Industrial Design studies at HIT-holon Institute of technology. in collaboration with the Fixperts organization.
saxophone type Antigua xip
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