Scenario Paintball Final Battle Guide

by Byoung4now in Outside > Launchers

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Scenario Paintball Final Battle Guide

We play for the scenario paintball team Pub Crawling . We travel all over the United States and we have traveled internationally to both England and Scotland to play paintball events.

At the end of many scenario paintball games there will be a final battle. Each game usually has some twist on how the final battle is played, what the goals are, how the points are based and other rules. This guide isn't meant to cover all of the options but more as a general guide on what to consider and how to approach the final battle. 


Many final battles will have a briefing. This is where the field owner or scenario producer will explain the rules for the final battle. It's important your team pays attention here. Not only will you hear what the producer says the rules are but you will also find out what the goal of the mission is and how long the final battle will last. Make sure you understand what is worth the most points. Sometimes if you do the math you will find the one item worth a huge amount of points actually pales in comparison to the 3 flags that get points every 15 minutes for possession. 

Prep for Final Battle

Now that you know what the final battle is about and how long it will last it's time to prepare. With this piece you will get better with the more games you play. Do you have enough paint to last you for the whole final battle? This one is tough because you want enough paint so you and your team can be in 'til the end but not so much that you are taking lots of paint home. 

Things to consider before you buy more paint:
1. How much paint do you currently have?
2. How long is the final battle?
3. Will the final battle field be heavily wooded with closer action or wide open with lots of long balling?
4. How much paint have you shot so far, has it been heavy fire fights or stalking in the woods?
5. Lastly, and this one is tricky, how much paint do the players on the other team seem to have? Are they stocking up on more or bringing the last two pods to finish off?

Once you have made your choices about paint be sure to take care of the other details. Fill your tanks with air, fill your pods with paint, make sure if your equipment takes batteries they will last you through the final battle. 

Next if it's going to be a longer battle than you can currently carry pods for, can you bring extra pods on the field or spare paint to keep you close to the action? If so now would be the time to fill extra pods and be ready. 

Now is the time to talk to your general or commanders and ask where they would like you and what your team should be doing to help the in the battle. 

The Battle

Now it's showtime. Time to put all the plans into action, deal with the unknown,  and the unplanned changes that happen. Depending on the length of the battle and the reinsertion rules be sure your team doesn't over extend itself at the start of the battle. Be sure to know the important bunkers, fire lanes and other cover on the field. Hustle to own what you absolutely have to at the start of the battle. 

Make sure you know the respawn rules for the final battle. Lots of times they change from the normal game re-spawn rules. 

Re-spawn Types:
1 life : This one is easy once you are shot you are out. Depending on the circumstance you might want to play this one a little more conservatively so your side doesn't run out of players too early. 

1 life for first half, constant cycle for 2nd half: This one is tricky because for the first half of the final battle you don't want to let the other team get a good field position but you can't play too aggressive. For the second half of the game you have constant reinsertion but this is when a lot of players will be running out of air, paint and energy so you have to plan for it. 

Constant cycle for 1st half, 1 life for 2nd half, : This one should be more straight forward, watch the clock and do what you have to do to get and keep field position. Make sure to do the most risky moves while still allowing yourself enough time to reinsert that one last time for 2nd half of the game. Be sure to call out time as you get close to the constant re-insert window closing. 

Constant cycle whole final battle: This version allows you to be a little more reckless since getting out just means going to the re-insertions zone and coming back in.  The thing to keep in mind with this one is what I like to call the Grind. That long walk\run to the re-insertion zone back to the battle. The grind of walking back and forth at the end of a long day of paintball will quickly separate those who want to win from those who don't. 

Final Battle Examples

I'll list a few different final battle scenarios we have come across and how we approached them. Now with all of these things to consider are how far ahead in points\missions whatever are you before the battle,  how much is the final battle worth. Do you need all of the points in final battle or are you better off just getting two-thirds of the points and not over extending and risking losing all the points. 

Type: Single or Multiple Objectives held at end of battle. (Flag, Slap sticks, Buildings, props)  
Strategy: Determine before the game starts if you think you can get in and hold the objective all game. If not the better plan maybe to get good field position and wait until many of the other team shot all of their paint and then do a push at the end.

Type: Single or Multiple Objectives scored every X minutes. (Flag, Slap sticks, Buildings, props)
Straegyt: Depending on where you stand in the game points wise (it's always good to know or have a really good guesstimate for the minimum points you need to win) try to pick the easier objectives for your side to hold and get them first. Then expand your strategy from there.  For example if it's a 30 minute final battle and you hold the flag for the first 20 minutes that would get you the most points for the battle even if you use up all your paint in that time to do so. Just make sure there isn't a bonus for who holds it at the end. In that case holding it the last 20 minutes might be the better strategy. 

Type: The team to score the most "buckets" (props in a crate, flags across a line, most players in a building).
Strategy: This one is a bit tougher to plan for but usually try and send your fastest people to score off the break if you can. Once both teams dig in, getting people to the end goal gets much tougher. 

Time and Paint Management

Too often I see new players waste all of their paint in the first 15 minutes of a 30 minute battle. Get yourself a good durable watch and know how much time you have left in the game. I like the Timex Ironman brand, mine has taken tons of hits over the years and still works great.

Guns with LCD panels from Planet Eclipse all have  game timers built in to the grip.  Set the timer to count down so you know when the final battle is getting close to ending.

A lot of paintball players don't carry a watch so don't be afraid to call out the time left every so often. It should (hopefully) help to give them an idea of how much time is left and how much paint they need to keep in reserves. 

Remember even if you run out of paint or air in the final battle you can still help your side. You can call out positions, be a target to distract the other team, score points by flipping flags or other tasks. Even if you are just on the field it will help to make your team look stronger to the other side. Don't run around shooting just air because quickly that will let the other team know you are out of paint.


Communication is always key in paintball but in the final battle it really can play a huge part in a win or loss. Making sure everyone knows how much time is left and where you see openings on the field to exploit. You should talk to each other to make advancing up the field easier by having team mates provide cover fire. Also having more sets of eyes yelling out enemy positions can help keep you from picking a forward bunker that is a bad choice.

Final Push

Not all final battles will need a final push.  Knowing if and when it's time to push is something else you will get better at figuring out the more you play. Keep an eye on the clock and watch the posturing of the other team. Usually if one is going to be made it will be in the last 3-5 minutes of the game.  Many times you can see them telegraphing when they will make a last push. Watch for them bunching up and leaning forward as they stand like they are about to sprint.  Many times you can deter the other team from a final push by throwing some long balls at them as they bunch together. Even paint bouncing off the ground and hitting their feet can many times make the less experienced players hesitate on a big push and you can break up a big move before it starts. 

Also a great time to make your final push is right after you broke up their final push. They will be low on players because of all you have eliminated and many times pulling back and not expecting your push. Timing is everything on this.

Here is a video of a final push around the 2:20 mark  FinalPush

Hopefully this guide will help you in the next final battle you are in and cause you to look at the bigger picture when playing. 

After the final battle will be the closing ceremonies and awards from the generals. Some events also have raffles or prize give aways. And there is nothing better than enjoying a tasty beverage or a fine cigar after a game for those who are of age.

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