Setting Up Microblaze on the Nexys4 FPGA Board
by skyberrys in Circuits > Electronics
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Setting Up Microblaze on the Nexys4 FPGA Board
This is an introduction to setting up a microblaze processor for the Nexys4 Artix-7, using Vivado 2014.1 .
Create a New Project in Vivado
1. Create a new project. (Image 1)
2. Press Next
Name the Project
3. Press Next, name the project Hello_World, and select create project subdirectory (Image 2)
Select RTL
4. Press Next, select RTL Project (Image 3)
5. Press Next
6.Press Next
7. Press Next
Select the FPGA
8. At the Default Part screen, select the parts, corresponding to the image (Image 4).Press Next.
9. Press Finish
Create the Processor
10. In The Flow Navigator, under IP Integrator, click "Create Block Design" (Image 5)
Name Your Block Design
11. Change Design name to be system (Image 6)
Add IP
12. Click on "Add IP" in the green bar at the top (Image 7)
Select Microblaze IP
13. Begin to type "Microblaze" and select the processor (Image 8).
A block representing the processor is added to the block design.
Run Block Automation
14. Click on "Run Block Automation" and choose the /microblaze_0 dropdown (Image 9)
Select Debug & UART
15. Change the "Local Memory" to 32Kb and the "Debug Module" to "Debug & UART" (Image 10) and click OK. It generates several additional blocks and places them on the board.
Connect the Processor
16. Double click on the block labeled "clocking wizard" (Image 11)
Change Clock Source
17. Change the clock source to "single ended clock capable pin" (Image 12)
18. Click on "Run Block automation" and choose /clk_wiz_1/clk_in1 Press ok
19. Click on "Run Block Automatic" and choose /reset_rtl_0 and select "Active Low" Press OK
20. Click on "Run Block Automation" and choose /clk_wiz_1/reset and select "Active high" Press OK
**Note** Your design might have generated with different names i.e. reset_rtl_0 might be reset_rtl
Add Constraints
21. Expand the "Constraints" folder, under the "sources" tab. Right click and select "Add Sources" (Image 13)
22. Select "Add or Create Constraints" and press next.
23. Press "Add Files" and navigate to where the file "Nexys4_Master.xdc" is saved. If you need this file, download it from,400,1184&Prod=NEXYS4
24. Press OK and finish, make sure the box to copy the file to your local project is selected.
25. Open the constraints file, and uncomment lines: 8,9,10, 59,60, 194 and 195
26. Modify the port names in those properties, to match the port names in your Block Diagram
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E3 [get_ports clock_rtl] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clock_rtl] create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 10.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_ports clock_rtl]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P4 [get_ports reset_rtl_0 ] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports reset_rtl_0 ]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E16 [get_ports reset_rtl] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports reset_rtl]
27. Make sure to save the updated .xdc file (Press Ctrl-S)
Create HDL Wrappers
28. Right click on "" in the sources window. Select "Create HDL Wrapper"
29. Expand the system_wrapper and Right click on "" in the sources window. Select "Generate output products"
30. Click "Generate Bitstream" and wait for the synthesis and implementation to complete.
31. Click on "Open implemented design" and press ok. (Image 14)
Export to SDK
32. Once the design opens. Select File > Export > Export Hardware for SDK
33. Check the box "Launch SDK", and "Export Hardware" and "Include Bitstream"
34. Once the SDK is open. Select File > New > Application Project
35. Name your project hello, press ok (Image 15)
Select Demo "Hello World" Project
36. Select the test project "Hello World" (Image 16) and press ok
Program FPGA
37. Turn on the FPGA and select: Xilinx tools > Program FPGA
38. Leave the settings alone and press "Program"
39. Select your project folder called "hello". Open the src folder and open helloworld.c
40. Select Run > Debug Configurations. Under STDIO Tab, check connect STDIO to Console, and choose JTAG UART from the dropdown list. (Image 17)
Run "Hello World" on Microblaze
41. Flip Switch 15 on the Nexys4 board (This turns off reset, if you press Run, and there is an error, try flipping the switch the other direction). (Image 18)
42. Right click on "hello" folder, select: Run As > Launch on Hardware (GDB) The console should say "Hello World"