Simple STEAM Project: 3D Printed Keychain
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Simple STEAM Project: 3D Printed Keychain
Are you looking for a fun project to introduce students to 3D printing and modeling?
I have done this activity in our makerspace with middleschoolers and with college kids. It is a simple way for learners of all ages to get started with TinkerCAD and using the MakerBot 3D Printers!
Equipment: Makerbot PLA Printer or other 3D Printer
Materials: PLA Filament, keychain rings (optional)
Getting Started With TinkerCAD
Option 1: Individuals each create an account
- Visit and log-in (I recommend using a Google Account for log-in)
- Select "Create a New Design"
Option 2: Instructor provides access via a Class
- Ahead of time, the instructor creates a TinkerCAD class:
- Once the class has been created, click on its name to view and add students
- Add students by providing a name and a nickname (these can be generic, such as Student01, or specific to your roster.
- Provide the class link and the nickname to your students to use for log-in
- Benefits of this option:
- no email access needed for students to sign in
- instructor can easily view all designs created by the students
- if desired, the instructor can create a base design for the students to Tinker
Modeling the KeyChain
- From the right drop-down menu, choose "Design Starters"
- Then, choose the sub-category "Letters and Numbers"
- Click and hold on a block letter and drag it onto the workspace
- Change the view to Top View by clicking on the cube to the left of the workspace
- Optional: I like to change the view to Flat View to turn off any perspective
- Select a new block letter and drag it to overlap with the first Block Letter
- Note: The more the letters overlap, the stronger the bond will be. Change the Snap Grid values (at the bottom right of workspace) and nudge the letter up/down or left/right using the arrow keys to get it in the right place.
- Repeat until name is complete
(optional) Fun Shapes
- From the right drop-down menu, choose "Basic Shapes" or "Characters" or "Shape Library"
- Browse shapes and select something to add to the keychain
- Drag it into the workspace, resize, rotate and place on your keychain
- Note: since you will need to resize most shapes and rotate characters, I recommend this option for someone who is already comfortable with TinkerCAD or for more advanced students.
(optional) Adjusting the Letter Height
The block letters are the perfect size to make small keychains. So there is no need to resize the letters. If you wish to create a sense of dimension, you can edit the height of the letters by following these steps:
- Click on the cube to the left to change the perspective to the Top/Front view
- Click on a letter and then on the white cube in the center
- Type a "3" in place of the "4"
- Repeat other letters you wish to alter
Adding the Keychain Ring
Use an "O" for the Keychain Ring.
- Drag an "O" into the proper location.
- Change the pespective to be able to easily view the "O"
- Clicl on the letter, and then subsequently on the white sizing cubes. Change the dimensions by clicking on and retyping the numbers.
- Resize it to "3" x "3" in width and length; and "2" in height.
- Note: The default dimensions for TinkerCAD are mm. So we are making a 3mm x 3mm circle with a hole that is approximately 1mm in diameter.
Export STL File
- Type "Ctl + A" or drag and click with the mouse to select all the shapes in your workspace
- Type "Ctl + G" or click on the Group icon to group all the shapes into a single one
- Note: The color will change; colors do not export with STL files
- Click on the "Export" button
- Choose to export an "STL" for 3D Print
Prepare File for 3D Printing
Do this step for your students, or guide them through the process themselves!
- If you have a Makerbot printer, visit to prepare your print.
- Note: use another program for other 3D printers
- Log in at the prompt (I recommend using the Google Log-In)
- Click "Print Preparation" at the top right corner
- Click on "Add Models", then choose "Add File"
- Browse for the STL file you exported from TinkerCAD
3D Print Settings
- Select the Makerbot printer
- Select the correct extruder
- Select the desired base layer:
- Base layers are required for printers without heated beds:
- The default "Raft" will create a smoothe bottom surface
- "Padded Base" will print quicker and will waste less plastic, but will have a base layer with thicker extrusion lines.
- Printers with heated beds to not require any base layer
- Change the number of shells to 4 for a stronger key chain ring
- Change the infill to 0.2 for a stronger key chain in general
- Select "Export" and save the file to a USB drive
Print Your Keychain!
- Plug the USB Drive into the Makerbot
- Select to print from USB
- Choose the file you saved to the USB Drive
- Start the print!